By Physics fail. - 11/11/2009 19:09 - United States

Today, I finished up my physics project. I had to make some thing out of toothpicks and glue that will keep an egg from breaking when dropped 20 feet. It took me 10 hours to make it, but only took my dad 10 seconds to step on it and break it. It's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 756
You deserved it 4 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LemonFairy 0

FAIL people. Re-read the FML. It's for physics, and must be made of toothpicks and glue. Toothpicks and glue. Have that key fact down? Good.


SilverStrs5 0

I never do my projects but thats sucks for you next time make your dad do it!

BioMajor12 0

Why is Gods name did you spend 10 hours on this project. I did mine in, at the most, an hour and a half, and mine worked.

Today, my roommate ate my mold-studying science project that had been sitting in the fridge for a month. FML

It took him 10 seconds to break it? What, did you just watch in horror as his foot advanced down onto the contraption? 'Cause really, when I think of this situation, I imagine him with his foot above the project in a tableau for ten seconds. You could have taken those 9 seconds in between step and crunch. Seriously, YDI. If it takes you 10 hours to do this kind of 'elaborate' project, you could have at least taken better care of it once you were finished :(

I hope he stomped on it on purpose to teach you not to leave your crap in the middle of the floor.

indygirl24 0

thank you comment #1 YDI for putting your project where someone could step on it

Jesus you have a dumb ass physics class. Fail the project and use that time to learn real physics like special relativity. Trust me. It is never worth it.