By Pimpleeater - 20/12/2011 07:45 - New Zealand

Today, I found out that, when mad at us, my son picks the tops off his shoulder-pimples and sprinkles them in our food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 460
You deserved it 5 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bustub2 8

Since when do pimples resemble bacon bits??

FYLDeep 25

Doesn't that make you a bit of a cannibal? Shit, that's probably not making you feel any better.

Stop feeding him. If he has pimples then he is old enough to learn a lesson. That or **** him up a little.

Androidz 0

Great advice Mr.Voorhees. Child abuse is certainly the answer.

blair_x 12

I've been physically and verbally abused as a kid, and I say with all honesty and every ounce of sympathy for other abused kids out there that if my kid did this, I would certainly beat him for it. Think of it this way - you bought the food, prepared the food, and gave it to him for free. And the little bastard decides to repay you by putting his disgusting pimple scabs/scars into your food? No. Just no. I normally don't condone/advocate child abuse, but this is just gross and inappropriate.

pull his fingernails out, then he will not be able to do this and as a bonus it will cause him pain.

Nah, people on the site that do not know a joke when they see it need help.

If you think thats bad then you don't want to know what he does to your cheese sauce.

Puts a new meaning on eating flakes. But it's still disgusting