By Anonymous - 17/07/2012 13:54 - Greece - Athens

Today, I gave up smoking. A few hours later, I caught myself daydreaming about brutally killing a guy that gave me a mean look at the bus. Maybe I should go back to smoking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 301
You deserved it 5 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Viciousstorms 7

Congratulations on trying to quit smoking. Although, there's easier alternatives than just stopping such as nicotine and maybe quitting slowly but surely will make you calmer.


Congratulations on quitting - i am a survivor of lung cancer and can tell you that this is a hell you never want to have in your life . Three times through radiation and chemo is something I would never wish on anyone .

I'm giving you a virtual hug. I'm so sorry you had to go thru that. Almost every member of my family has had some type of cancer and survived. I'm glad you did too :)

Unbweavable 17

Awesome options: cancer or death row

Yeah but in jail food, shelter and medical care are all provided.

I asked some elderly coworkers how they quit smoking because the issue came up, and they all said afer all the years of not smoking the urge never goes away and it sucks everyday. so I decided not to quit. don't be a quitter op

Cigarette cigarette cigarette. SHAAAARK! SHAAAAARK!

Slender_Man 6

Just use sunflower seeds. Smoking is an oral fixation. If you use sunflower seeds, your smoking habits should decrease. It's a great way to help quit. Or, you could do it the newer way and get some nicorete.

It's not an oral fixation for everyone. It's not for me. I suffer from bipolar and before smoking, I was a cutter. I need a self destructive behavior to punish myself. If not I get the urge to kill myself. That is why quitting for me is so hard. It always triggers a bad depression. Oral fixation or not there is also a chemical dependency. There are a ton of aids in quitting available because everyone is different. I think the key is finding why you smoke and working from it from that angle. Oral fixation sunflower seeds work. Chemical dependency, the nicotine replacements. Mental link like mine, break the link. Whatever the reason, you can't give up trying to quit and you can't beat yourself up over set backs. Just got to keep trying different methods until one works.

kitsune3 20

Don't give up just yet, OP. The first hill is always the hardest to get over. Just keep trying.

hateevryone 14

Don't give in just yet. Keep fighting it. I know it's hard, but it'll all be worth it in the end.

Take up shooting at a gun range. It'll make ya feel good. Quoting smoking is the best thing, and the hardest thing, you'll ever do. But worth it!!!

TheDrifter 23

Boxing or a full contact martial art works well too. The act of smoking helps focus and release anger and stress, controlled physical violence works well too. I now teach a non lethal combat class for bouncers and security staff and it does wonders at killing the cravings.

PhishloverA 14

YDI for coming to the conclusion that you should start smoking again. Get a stress ball and squeeze it If you want to calm yourself down

PhishloverA 14

You basically were saying "F*** my life" for smoking and you're saying it again if you want to go back to smoking