By EdgardoP - 26/06/2012 15:08 - United States - Allentown

Today, I got a cramp while swimming. It took the lifeguard 5 minutes to stop flirting with a girl before trying to help me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 317
You deserved it 3 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The only thing i could thonk of when i read this was Patrick Star.


perdix 29

His job is to SAVE lives. If you are thrashing about, watching him flirt and timing him, you are not in mortal danger -- you are just looking foolish. Sure, he gets paid to save your life, but what gets him out of bed in the morning is the prospect of flirting with pretty girls.

It's not like saving lives is the first thing teenage boys think about.

I would report him. It is his job to keep other swimmers safe and that is clearly not his priority when he is at work.

That's just wrong and a disservice to all swimmers, what he did. Employees who spend more tome trying to get laid versus doing their jobs really tick me off.

He sounds like the stereotypical douche-bag lifeguard. Seriously, who the **** hires people like that?

akaulitz 3

Every water park you go to. Seriously I didn't get hired and I'm trained, while half the others who were hired weren't at the time of hiring. And they were prettier or for guys they were hot.

DollyDope 17

73- I doubt the (potential/future) lifeguards disclosed that their goal was to get laid, not protect lives, during the hiring process :P 82- Maybe you were too young at the time for the facility you were trying to be hired at. Cause you are pretty so that couldn't have been the problem. :]

Considering you were able to go 5 minutes without being rescued I am thinking your BSing.. That or it was one massive body of water.

GuyFluteBandGeek 0

I hate lifeguards. So full of themselves. And the girls are usually never hot.

KiddNYC1O 20

Hot or not, they better know and be willing to save a life.

Dmanrock29 1

If you stayed afloat or tread water for 5 minutes you obviously didn't need help and shoulda just swam to the edge

pipc 10

Make a complaint, report him. That's beyond unacceptable.

cajekraze 7

Why is the lifeguard responsible for your weakness. If you aren't drowning, they shouldn't need to get you. You fail at life

A lifeguard is supposed to be there to help swimmers in need. OP has a cramp, the "lifeguard" was flirting with some random woman instead of doing his duties. Also, leg cramps does not equal weakness. You fail at life.

95- You mean it has absolutely NOTHING to do with how in shape and healthy OP is...?

You: HELP ME !!! Lg: *flirting* well that's a nice swim suit.....hold on duty calls Girl: haha ok You: HELP.... Thank goodness finally Lg: dude you are such a cockblock