By oh why... - 20/12/2013 14:51 - United States

Today, I got a ransom note saying, "We have kidnapped your husband and won't release him unless you postpone the wedding." The wedding is tomorrow and it was in his handwriting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 449
You deserved it 4 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of the idiot who staged his own kidnapping to go out drinking with friends.

Oh those canny kidnappers. Forcing the hostage to write his own note!


Maybe he was forced to write it? You never know!!

Take it as a sign and run while you can.

Shepardspie71 8

Sounds like he needs as kick in the balls

ha! hilarious... yet so sad. What are u going to do about that, hunny?!

Quite the creative way to tell you isn't it?

Dats just a way to tell u he is not interestd in marrying u..wich he shud hv said in personal to u..dats poor op:-

ahippienamedrae 10

I think you're missing some letters there.

ninety 25

Would including ten more letters in your statement have killed you?

Wait a minute... your husband? Don't they mean your fiancé or are you already married?

How would OP already be married if the wedding is tomorrow?

My comment wasn't well written. I was trying to make a pun out of polygamy.

Aha, that's it! OP's already married and about to commit bigamy tomorrow.

They could have had a reason to get their marriage certificate first and have a ceremony later. My friend was married several months before her ceremony because her husband is in the Air Force. Maybe that's the case and he doesn't want to waste the time and money on the ceremony. Not saying it was okay to wait until the last minute.

luckyone365 7

You're an idiot. He isn't your husband if he hasn't married you yet .