By wowohwow - 23/06/2011 04:24 - United States

Today, I got all dressed up to go on a date with a guy. Upon getting to my house to pick me up, he told me he'd forgot to put on mascara, and asked if he could borrow some. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 165
You deserved it 6 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it at the bright side! you never have to bring make-up to his house! :)

Jrefinne 7


dookiedoo 0

should of let him borrow a tampon too.

HU4L188 0

what if he has white or blonde eyelashes.... then its okay

spicyasscakes 0

what are you dating zac effron?

so who cares? lots of guys wear some sort of makeup I don't see how this is a big deal.

you should if asked if he wanted some eyeliner that will match he would prob. be happy that you understand his needs!

M0rt 0

How convenient you guys can share makeup now.

So? what's wrong with that? sure it's awkward but whatever there's worse things in the world, at least he isn't a murderer or a old fat ass with a massive beer belly.

@79 I love that someone being a murderer is just as bad as someone being old and fat.

Lol I didn't mean for it to sound that way.

meggieh815 0

how do you know he's not a fat murderer that wears makeup? o_O

So? what's wrong with that? sure it's awkward but whatever there's worse things in the world, at least he isn't a murderer or a old fat ass with a massive beer belly.