By wowohwow - 23/06/2011 04:24 - United States

Today, I got all dressed up to go on a date with a guy. Upon getting to my house to pick me up, he told me he'd forgot to put on mascara, and asked if he could borrow some. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 152
You deserved it 6 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look at it at the bright side! you never have to bring make-up to his house! :)

Jrefinne 7


MufMuf_fml 5

At least he didn't ask for lip gloss and guy-liner to go with it...

justanotherrando_fml 2

Maybe he decided he didn't want to date her and was looking for reasons to make her call it off?

iLoveBoobies21 0

your date's a ******, op. one bigass ******.

I'm sorry that you're dating (hopefully not any more) a complete metro. I recommend finding a man that's, well, a man. What a fag.

autumnxxbottom 0

wow, I'm sorry that you found him. I recommended you find a man that is, well, actually a man. What a ***.

what's wrong with men trying to look nice? men have insecurities to and maybe he is trying to cover his with a little make-up. if girls do it why can't guys.

did he ask u for a tampon and some midol too?? lol

Shadow_Phantom 26

I don't see how this is a FML. So your life is ****** because a guy asked you for some makeup...?