By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 07:06 - United States

Today, I got back from a 6 month deployment overseas. My girlfriend of 3 years couldn't pick me up from the airport because she had an intramural softball game to go to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 453
You deserved it 6 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

notfromearth7 0

Aw...that sucks. But at the same time, good to see you got back safely soldier *salutes*

lolyouareanidiot 0

lol, at #3. No one takes intramural sports seriously. Certainly no one considers it a responsibility to play intramural sports where half the people show up drunk. This was a burn big time. You should take as much offense to this as possible.


Wow, what a bitch. Really. Intramural softball? She wasn't playing in the world ******* series! As much as I disagree with the war, I have a lot of respect for the soldiers and their true bravery. If I had a loved one in the military, even if they were only there for a week, I would have my ass at that airport the moment I knew they were coming home.

dudemitch 0

Intramural softball is hardly a responsibility. Sorry to hear that bro. Glad your home safe, now find yourself a woman who will be there for you at a time like that. Dont forget the reason you do what you do because of her

Ah man, that sucks. But thank you for what you do for us!

I'm sorry to be the devil's advocate, but isn't anyone considering the possibility that he may be a truly awful boyfriend? Obviously the OP wouldn't point out that he's an asshole...that would kind of negate the whole FML thing and make it a YDI. Yes, what our service men and women do is wonderful, but that doesn't mean that they're all individually good people. I was in an extremely abusive relationship with someone in the military. We married and shortly thereafter he was given orders to South Korea. We agreed that it was important to be together in the early stages of the marriage to build a solid foundation. So I left in the middle of pursuing my master's in architecture to join him overseas. And THAT is when he began to isolate me from my friends and family in the states, then the verbal abuse began and quickly escalated. He is the reason SOLE I've yet to graduate, and now I get the dubious honor of being a 20-something divorcee (despite it being annulled, I still get to have that oh-so-attractive stigma of a being a failure at marriage. I'm very lucky I was able to break the abusive cycle and flee home. Some people can't; some are so beaten down that leaving the abuser seems impossible. So before you judge take into consideration ALL the possibilities. Maybe she's a super-shitty girlfriend...or maybe he's an awful boyfriend. Or maybe (and most likely) it's somewhere in between. This is the one thing I hate about this site: how adamant some people are that their opinion is right. So much that they judge others (and harshly, at that) who post a differing view. Why can't we all get that it's IMPOSSIBLE to tell the whole story in two or three sentences? Furthermore, when the situation in case involves more than one person, then we're even LESS informed because there are two sides to every story. I'm BEGGING you guys, try to be at least somewhat diplomatic. And think before you post something on the internet. EVERYTHING you put out there is traceable back to you. Who knows, you could be screwing your future if the wrong person sees one of your asinine and uninformed comments.

Ef_Your_Life 0

For some odd reason I feel as of this is a guys vs girls argument. And Damn #107 that is way too much thought into an FML...jk but anyway i made this account just so i could tell # 11 and any others like it to "F Off"

huzz69 0

Glad you made it home safe, time to find a new gf

Yeah, #108. It totally was. I guess it struck a nerve. :/

holynemesis1208 3

i dont think shes your girlfriend anymore.

#3 Intramural is only for fun, anyways. Even so, a softball game is WAY less important than your boyfriend who COULD have died.