By Fmycatslife - 26/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog thought it was a new chew toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 886
You deserved it 78 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deseved it for getting your cat stuffed in the first place thats ******* creepy


ahww :( that sucks bout your dead kitty getting destroyed by the doggie :'(

Queen_of_Night 20

You stuffed your cat? WTF... You know I had a neighbor bury their deceased infant in the backyard (w/ City approval). This is almost as ****** up as that...

Repguy27 0

Ok first I gotta say sorry about you cat, my cat died a couple months ago and it was sad too. Second, I think you should've gone to see a shrink instead of a taxidermist. Seriously, the way you handled the cats death is creepy at best and you could probably use some help dealing with it. Third, I find it funny how you people say humans are so much better and superior to animals then you go clean up after your dog. Another thing, nobody said stuffing deers and other animals wasn't creepy, but at the very least that is because the hunter is proud of his achievement not because they are grieving it. Btw as far as being self aware and respect their lives and all that, answer this: why is it that when a goose gets shot, usually 2 other geese stay with it until it dies before flying off? Doesn't that sound something like a dying family member? You stay with them until they die then bury them or whatever and then go on with your life. Many animals appear to grieve for loses, especially elephants. As far as making tools and all that tell me this, why would a lion possibly need to make tools when it's got all it needs already? And how would they make the tools? It's not like they have thumbs or anything.

Ok this is really ridiculous. Humans are animals, and therefore are on a close level. Just because we don't 'lick our genitals' doesn't mean were better. Animals don't always have water and soap nearby do they?? Just because we can use tools in a much more advanced way doesn't mean were better! Evolution made us stand out, and that doesn't mean we can just kick the others around. Humans are much too high and mighty for our own good. We are racist and go to war for stupid reasons. Many of us are corrupt and wish bad things on others, while animals are almost always helpful to each other. If anything, were on a lower level than them in how nice we are. Stuffing a cat is kind of ridiculous though...I would rather have it cremated. To people saying that pets aren't family members: you obviously have never owned a pet. You just think they're lower than you because you can't understand them when they bark, meow, etc. You wouldn't think that just because you can't understand your Chinese neighbor that he doesn't matter, would you? Grow up. All of my pets are family members to me.

oldskoolman85 0

Haha! You PETA freaks are hilarious.

Vermelle 0

Actually, YOU are the ridiculous one. People like you annoy me. "Just because we don't 'lick our genitals' doesn't mean were better." Yes, actually, it does. It shows our brains are developed enough to understand that our genitals are not going to get any cleaner by licking them with our dirty mouths, and that we will probably get sick trying. "Animals don't always have water and soap nearby do they??" Can't believe I'm actually gracing this with an answer... But as far as I know, no animal, other than a human, would willing pick up water and soap, even if it was nearby, to clean themselves with it. In fact, many animals would attempt to claw your eyes out if you even came close to them with a bar of soap or a bucket of water. "Just because we can use tools in a much more advanced way doesn't mean were better!" Again, yes it does. It shows are brains are more advanced, and that we have adapted better for our survival. Thus, we are better than other animals. "Evolution made us stand out, and that doesn't mean we can just kick the others around." Nobody said we had any right to kick other animals around. We're not debating animal rights here. The argument was that humans are and SHOULD be more important than an animal. If someone threatened to kill your dog if you didn't kill another human being, your dog needs to be the one to die. If you choose them over another human, you need therapy. End of story. "Humans are much too high and mighty for our own good. We are racist and go to war for stupid reasons." Animals are no better. Some kill each other simply because they're in the same area. Any territorial male of many species will kill another because they dislike having that other male in their space. Imagine a human male killing another man because he walked into his yard. Tell me, how is that not stupid? We are human, thus we do stupid things and make mistakes. Also, some of us have a bad personality. Same with animals. Neither are better on that front. "Many of us are corrupt and wish bad things on others, while animals are almost always helpful to each other. " Many of us? All of us. Everyone wishes something bad on another human being at some point in their life. Even you're not exempt, so get off your high horse, hypocrite. Have you ever wished that you had gotten something instead of someone else? A gift, money, an opportunity, a boy/girl, etc? Then you've wished something 'bad' on another person. Get over it. And animals are NOT always helpful to each other. Jungle law, strongest will survive, etc. Some help each other, but they also turn against others of their own species as well. Think of lions, for example. They hunt together, they protect each other, they live and reproduce together. But, they're also killers who will attack another lion if they feel the urge to. Some male lions will even eat their own cubs. "If anything, were on a lower level than them in how nice we are." Um, no. Not even close. A domesticated animal is only 'nice' because its had any feral genes beaten out of it. You want to know how your 'nice' cat or 'nice' dog was bred? They mated them through many generations to come up with a spoiled creature who has to rely on humans for its safety. True cats and dogs, when left in the wild, are anything BUT nice. Try petting a dingo (one of the original 'dogs' that were used to breed the domesticated dogs living in your home today) and tell me how 'nice' it is. I'll be laughing. "To people saying that pets aren't family members: you obviously have never owned a pet. You just think they're lower than you because you can't understand them when they bark, meow, etc." I currently have three dogs, several fish, and a bird. I recently lost a cat. I have had several reptiles, rodents, and a rabbit in the past. All were well cared for and dearly loved. Do I think that they were family members? No. They were friends at best. I DID love them, but I would NEVER place them above a human life in terms of importance. I think they're lower than me simply because they are. Their brains are less developed than any human's, they DO NOT have the ability to form thoughts, despite whatever you may think, and, to shorten things up, they are less developed in every area. Yes, they can feel things. But they are not able to think like we can. They can feel happy, sad, pain, etc. but they cannot think to themselves, 'I really love my owner, s/he's so nice. I'm going to go play now'. Anyone who believes they can is a moron. They have the mentality of a newborn human child, thus a full grown human is superior. And yes, animals might be better killers/hunters (however you'd like to phrase that) when both a human and animal are stripped of all unnatural weapons. But we've adapted, and thus are better. The strongest will survive and all that. Even if you consider humans as animals, we're superior. Get over it. "You wouldn't think that just because you can't understand your Chinese neighbor that he doesn't matter, would you?" To be honest, this is the most pathetic argument I've ever heard. If I can't understand him, no, he doesn't matter to me. I won't be able to get to know him, thus I won't care for him like I would someone who I'm able to communicate with. Would I be okay with the guy getting murdered? Obviously not. Would I be okay with someone murdering a defenseless house pet? No. But there is a difference. Would I be okay with someone choosing to kill the man over the pet? Definitely not. A human being should be more important. Animals, despite how much I love them, are replaceable. Its like someone tearing up a favorite book (I'm an avid reader and I grow attached to my individual books, thus why I used this as an example. Feel free to replace it with a favorite instrument, movie, etc. Whatever floats your boat.). I would be extremely sad, as there are probably fond memories attached to that particular book, but I can replace it. Same thing with an animal. I'll be terribly sad when they die, but I can always go buy another animal at the pet store or adopt a needy animal from the shelter. I cried like a baby for days when my cat died of old age, but I have gotten over it and will find a new kitten to replace her. Its just the way it works. If my brother died, however, I would never be able to replace him. Even considering the idea makes me sick. Nothing could ever replace a member of my HUMAN family. Another animal could replace my cat, who was once part of my PETS. There is a big difference. "Grow up." No, YOU grow up. You need to lose your naive outlook on animals and be a little more mature. Actually think things through and research those creatures that you claim are more important than humans. Be a little more loyal to your species maybe? I'm not defending or condoning the abuse or mistreatment of animals, but I do believe that helping another human should be your first priority, and that humans should automatically earn more respect until they prove otherwise. Personally, I don't believe in being nice to something that would rather eat me than get to know me. At least with a human you can talk to it. An animal is always going to place its loyalty with its own species, unlike some humans *coughhintcoughcough*, unless the creature has been domesticated through years and years of breeding. Even then they will sometimes choose their own species over their caregiver. All of my pets are pets to me, and I love them dearly just the way they are. To everyone else: Any other species than a human should never be considered more important than a human life, or even AS important. Anyone who disagrees can feel free to argue with me to prove their point, or at least attempt to, but be warned that I will return all of your opinions with reasons why you are wrong. And try to be civil when arguing with me, you look like a moron otherwise. To the OP: To each their own I suppose. I personally feel that stuffing an animal is a bit odd, but it does suck that your cat's doll was attacked by your dog. That must have been hard on you. Next time place it where the dog can't reach? FYL, nobody deserves that, even if they did have a moment of stupidity.

Right right, they're less developed in every area? So.. you can hear all the shit they can hear, right? You can smell just as well as a bear, yes? You should probably go to some scientist so he can study you, as you're one of a kind! Also, haven't you ever heard a dogs mouth is ten times cleaner than a humans? Animals are built so they can lick themselves - and it is not unhealthy for them. Your argument on the point that we 'know' it's dirty and don't do it has nothing to do with anything. They are built so they can - we are

*We aren't. - Was the end of that. I thought I should continue, some. Personally, I would probably choose animal life over a human life(Let me just say to people who are saying humans are animals, truth, but I'm going to say animals vs humans as a form of argument). I'll say that this all depends on the circumstances, but, humans are generally evil. I, in no way, think we are better than animals as you seem to do. More intelligent? Of course. So what if we're more intelligent? This doesn't make us better than them. It really doesn't. My main point will be that we're ruining the earth - the earth would be better without humans. Animals don't do that, sorry. If we still lived like the Indians did, then perhaps I would withdraw this as I think that would be the best way. No, we were smart enough to invent things, but none of these things do any good for the environment. There's no argument against this, it's plain truth. You made fine points and examples of animal behavior versus human behavior, this is true. But it still can't remove the fact that the world would be better without us. Animals aren't replaceable to me as they are to you. They count. If I were religious I'd argue that animals have souls. Just because we cannot communicate with them doesn't mean -anything-. In a way, an animal can be closer to you than a random 'Chinese neighbor' and communicate better. There should be no difference here. I'm sort of losing track as to where I'm going with this, so I'll just wait for your reply so I can have a refresher of why you're wrong(not completely, as I said, you made good points).

lmmmr 0

Vermelle, please stop stating your opinion as fact. You are just another person, you are not qualified to determine the IMPORTANCE of anything, let alone over anything else. I think we all understand your opinion, and thank you for sharing it, but that should be the end of it.

marya43 0

To all those who argue over whether humans are equal to or better than animals: humans are different from most animals in many ways. we use tools, we walk upright, we have many different languages and can learn to speak others, etc. whether this makes us better than them or not is really not for me to decide, seeing as animals have better natural instincts, like sense of smell and hearing. and as for whether we should treat animals better, consider this. a human choosing a baby over a puppy is in no way different than a mother dog choosing her puppy over a baby. what i'm trying to say is that most adults of all species will pick their young over another species' young. it's just how it works. also, how is a human eating meat different than a lion or tiger eating meat? humans are naturally built to eat meat and vegetables. while i have no problem with anyone who chooses not to eat meat, please don't try to make me feel bad by saying it's wrong or evil. and to the OP: while i personally would not have stuffed a dead pet, it was your cat so it's your decision. i clicked fyl because you were probably not in your best state and got distracted.

I love your points #282. I was going to make both of those points but then completely forgot. Thank you :D

Repguy27 0

I agree completely the world would be better off without humans. Actually there's a show now called Life After People it's pretty interesting.

Repguy27 0

Ok I really don't want to respond to all of this but I will say this. As far as animals licking theirr genitals, actually it does make them cleaner. Cats have a special salivia that acts as a deortorizer and cleaner. I'm not sure about other animals but I really doubt most animals do that anyway. I've never heard of an elephant doing that or a bird.

oldskoolman85 0

F your dog's life. You took away his delicious cat-jerky.

who stuffs a cat. freak. also I'm gonna call fake. most normal families can become attached to pets and want them to have a proper buriel not get stuffed

Ewww for stuffing animals, its sick. Just coz you love your cat like a family member, it doesn't mean you have to stuff it. Like you wouldn't stuff your grandpa after he died. Wrong...just wrong!

wow, #254, u need to calm the **** down, and stop contradicting urself, she just lost a cat, and although, it might b wrong to stuff it, it's her choice, so take the stick that u have up ur ass out, and CALM DOWN

Bella_999 0

dude. thats so ****** up.... why would you stuff it? :|

who the **** stuffs their dead pets? would you stuff your grandma?

There once was this guy who made a coat out of his mothers skin :|