By Fmycatslife - 26/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog thought it was a new chew toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 886
You deserved it 78 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deseved it for getting your cat stuffed in the first place thats ******* creepy


why....the f would you get your cat stuffed...............?

whokilledkayte 0

um thats what you get for stuffing your cat

I LOVE dead bodies in my house! You can make them seem like they're alive and have them do AWESOME poses!

my cat died today too. :( i wasn't there. and my mom told me she took her to the vet and had her put to sleep. but in truth, she shot her.

Haha, I totally thought it was going to say: Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog felt frisky. FML I thinking stuffing animals is a bit weird, it should have a proper barial.

that is so disturbing that you would stuff your dead cat

k_cool 0

YDI for having a stuffed cat. sucks about it dying, though.

Vermelle 0

#272/276: "Right right, they're less developed in every area? So.. you can hear all the shit they can hear, right? You can smell just as well as a bear, yes? You should probably go to some scientist so he can study you, as you're one of a kind!" I probably should have clarified that I was referring to the fact that their brains are less developed in every area, not the animals themselves. I thought it was a bit obvious, but after reading through what I said I see how you came to the conclusion that I was talking about the animal and not its brain. "Also, haven't you ever heard a dogs mouth is ten times cleaner than a humans? Animals are built so they can lick themselves - and it is not unhealthy for them. Your argument on the point that we 'know' it's dirty and don't do it has nothing to do with anything. They are built so they can - we aren't." Actually, you're partially wrong on this point. I would read this article before you go around telling people that: The only reason a human licking their wounds is any less healthy is due to a lack of roughness on our tongues. A dog's saliva does no more to help their wound than a humans, and most domestic dogs will get an infection if allowed to lick their wounds without intervention. "(Let me just say to people who are saying humans are animals, truth, but I'm going to say animals vs humans as a form of argument)." I'm doing the same, for the record. Much less confusing that way. "I'll say that this all depends on the circumstances, but, humans are generally evil." Really? You must have a very difficult life then. Do you always wonder, when alone in a room with a man, if he's going to rape you? Do you wonder if every person on a deserted street with you is going to take this chance to murder you? Why would you constantly think the worst of people? I don't believe humans are 'generally evil'. We're not perfect by any means, but not 'evil'. Most of the humans I know are fairly nice people. It saddens me to think about the type of people you must live with. "I, in no way, think we are better than animals as you seem to do. More intelligent? Of course. So what if we're more intelligent? This doesn't make us better than them. It really doesn't." What is your basis for being 'better' then? You should really look at the definition of 'superior'. su⋅pe⋅ri⋅or  [suh-peer-ee-er, soo-] –adjective 1. higher in station, rank, degree, importance, etc. 2. above the average in excellence, merit, intelligence, etc. 4. greater in quantity or amount By that definition, found at for any who would like to know, we ARE superior. As the dominant species on this planet, we are superior. Yes, there are animals who are superior to us in terms of hearing, smell, ability to fly, etc. But, overall, we are superior due to our ability to adapt. Given free use of any human invention, a human will always defeat an animal. We've invented things to help us bridge the ability gap between us and animals, like planes for example. Thus, evolution. "My main point will be that we're ruining the earth - the earth would be better without humans. Animals don't do that, sorry. If we still lived like the Indians did, then perhaps I would withdraw this as I think that would be the best way." Agreed, but I don't see how that single point makes much of a difference. Yes, we're ruining the environment at the moment. Not my personal choice, as I'm Native American myself (You really shouldn't use the word Indian, if you want to be correct about it. The term 'Indian' makes me think of people from India, personally. Took me a second to realize you were talking about Native Americans. Then again, its not really that important.), but no reason to go around exterminating the whole human race. You can't blame the whole for the sins of the few. You don't kill a whole species of animal simply because one of them had a negative impact on humans or the earth. Why should humans be any different? You've already proven that humans are capable of respecting the earth and living without harming it by mentioning Native Americans. So, technically, the earth doesn't need all humans to disappear in order to be better off. "No, we were smart enough to invent things, but none of these things do any good for the environment. There's no argument against this, it's plain truth." Actually, you're wrong on this point. There are plenty of inventions that benefit the environment. You're just generalizing to make your point. For example, farmers use plenty of inventions to make their land more fertile and produce healthier crops, thus benefiting the earth. Some use pesticides or other chemicals, which damage the earth, but traditional farmers, like the Native Americans, were and are harmless. Rakes, water pails/buckets/cans, plows, and other farming tools are examples of inventions humans have created that 'do good for the environment'. "You made fine points and examples of animal behavior versus human behavior, this is true. But it still can't remove the fact that the world would be better without us. " Actually, the world would be better off without greed, not humans. Were humans stripped of all inventions that negatively impact the earth, they would be fine. Greed and becoming spoiled has lead us to continue using inventions we know harm the environment. We're too comfortable right now to care that we are harming earth. "Animals aren't replaceable to me as they are to you. They count. If I were religious I'd argue that animals have souls. Just because we cannot communicate with them doesn't mean -anything-." I never said they didn't count, I love all my past pets dearly. I do believe they have souls, and I think they have personalities. I don't, however, believe that they should be considered more important or equal to a human because of that. Animals are always going to be loyal to themselves and their species. Domestic animals are occasionally an exception to this, but only because we bred them to be that way. Domestic animals are, in a way, an invention of humans. Had they been left in the wild without human interference, they would be as wild as their cousins. Also, you should look up the definition of 'replaceable'. re⋅place  [ri-pleys] –verb (used with object), -placed, -plac⋅ing. 1. to assume the former role, position, or function of; substitute for (a person or thing): Electricity has replaced gas in lighting. 2. to provide a substitute or equivalent in the place of: to replace a broken dish. To replace something is to provide a substitute, not to give you back the exact same thing. That would be impossible. You can't find another human being to replace your brother, sister, mother, father, friend, cousins, etc. It just doesn't work that way. Domestic animals are bred for their roles, however. Any animal at the pet store will provide a suitable replacement, even if you may not like it. Personally, I would never dream of trying to find a cat with the exact same personality as my old one. It isn't going to happen, and I would be a fool for trying. But I can always find another pet cat with a personality that I like to substitute. Thus, they're replaceable. "In a way, an animal can be closer to you than a random 'Chinese neighbor' and communicate better. There should be no difference here." I never said that they can't be. In fact, I believe I agreed with that statement in my first response. My only disagreement was that a human life should be more valuable. If you were go to court for killing that Chinese neighbor, they are not going to accept that 'someone was threatening to kill my pet cat and blackmailed me into doing it' as a reasonable excuse. Its just not acceptable. There is, and should always be, a difference. #279: "Vermelle, please stop stating your opinion as fact. You are just another person, you are not qualified to determine the IMPORTANCE of anything, let alone over anything else. I think we all understand your opinion, and thank you for sharing it, but that should be the end of it." And you are? NOBODY is qualified to determine the importance of anything or anybody else. I'm not trying to. I'm simply telling others why I believe they're wrong in their opinion. The first amendment in the US, where I live, allows me to do this. If you don't like it, leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay. Also, I was not stating my opinion as fact. I never said it was a fact. I was simply stating it, and telling others they could argue with me if they pleased. Its called a debate. I use facts to back up my opinion, but it is still an opinion. That humans should go to jail for murder is also an opinion, but it is a widely accepted opinion. #282: I definitely agree with you. Thanks for sharing. #296: "As far as animals licking their genitals, actually it does make them cleaner. Cats have a special salivia that acts as a deortorizer and cleaner. I'm not sure about other animals but I really doubt most animals do that anyway. I've never heard of an elephant doing that or a bird." Actually, you wrong. A cat's saliva doesn't deodorize them at at all, nor does it clean them. It controls their body temperature. The licking action itself can be compared to brushing their fur with a bristle brush. If you ignore the saliva and the fact that a tongue is being used, its the same. Read here for more information and clarification:

Sigh. I don't have the time to reply to this right now (and will in now way go to the extent you have). I must say that you're still wrong, and you haven't really done anything but looked up articles and words that would support your side. I'll reply later, but let me say, you don't sound any smarter acting like that. I obviously understand my words just fine without you defining them. Also, if I had more time, I could do EXACTLY what you've done here and bring up articles to share my side. Just because we're more 'superior' to them in intelligence doesn't mean anything. They are 10 times more superior than us in a lot of ways also. It's all about opinion, I'd say. But actually, you are acting like what you have to say is fact. And don't act like you don't believe it is.

Vermelle 0

It surprises me that people get so offended. I'm actually enjoying this quite a bit. I find intelligent discussion over differing opinions to be entertaining, not offensive. You really should relax a bit. My best friend also disagrees with me, and we enjoy arguing over it. I'm not trying to offend you, and I respect your opinion. I'm not necessarily trying to change your views, as that would be a bit pointless, but I would like to understand why you think the way you do and tell you why I think the way I do. Maybe someone will change their mind based on what I've said, but probably not. As for looking up articles and words to support my side, isn't that the point? I found facts that support my opinion, and I presented them. I'd expect you to do the same. I'm not trying to sound 'smarter' by defining the words you used, I'm simply defining them so that we both understand what definition we're using. You've obviously never participated in a formal debate. Defining words is not meant to insult your intelligence, but to show the thinking process I used to come up with my conclusion using the definition of the words I've chosen. I wish you did have more time, because it would be interesting to see what you use to respond. You're right, it is all about opinion. As I mentioned before, I don't believe anything I say is fact. A fact is something that can be proven without any room for disagreement. Science proves things as fact. Since none of my opinions can be proven without a doubt, as demonstrated by some of the people here disagreeing with me, then obviously they're not facts. I understand that. The way I write about my opinions seems to imply that I think they're facts, but you need to realize that is simply the way I write. I'm sorry if it annoys you, but I'm not 'acting like I don't believe it is'. I'm not a moron, so don't treat me that way. I KNOW its not fact. In my opinion, you're being way too defensive. I'M debating. YOU'RE trying to insult me. Please don't.

jnic 0

Animals don't need to be equal or lesser than humans, because they already have more rights than us. They are free to do whatever they want, we can't. They don't have all that government/higher authority crap. I don't see what this is all about.

Vermelle 0

I can't speak for anyone but myself. To be honest, I'm just having fun with the debate. I'm odd like that. :]

chocoLIFE_fml 2

when I die, I want to be stuffed :D lol jk...

inarticulate 0

I... considered getting my cat stuffed after she died. And Jesus Christ is there a lot of wank on here.