By Fmycatslife - 26/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog thought it was a new chew toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 886
You deserved it 78 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deseved it for getting your cat stuffed in the first place thats ******* creepy


everyone here who has written a comment on this that is more than 3 sentences needs to go get a life. every here who's written a paragraph or more, just end your pain right now.

WHY THE **** WOULD YOU STUFF YOUR CAT? i feel sad even reading this, let it rest in peace

Keiko86 0

aww.. poor kitty.... I would want my cat around too after it dies. So I understand why you got it stuffed. But because of the stigma, I won't be doing it.

jtaylor94 0

wow your ******* messed up, why would you do something so wrong.

dorkasaur 0

that's very gross and super creepy sorry but it is. I woulndt want my deceased pet staring at me

Are you going to stuff your dog as well? Kay seriously, what would happen in a few years if you got sick of this stuffed cat, would you just throw it out?

ReconExpert 0

YDI for stuffing your cat you sick ****... Seriously, if your family member died, would you take there dead body and stuff it, or stuff its head and put it on a fireplace or wall?

This reminds me of Coraline...when she goes to visit the two actresses downstairs and they have all their dead dogs stuffed and shelved.