By Fmycatslife - 26/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog thought it was a new chew toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 886
You deserved it 78 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deseved it for getting your cat stuffed in the first place thats ******* creepy


jnic 0

"Today, I was stupid enough to put something valuable ON THE FLOOR and ignore it when I have a dog, who will not read my mind and understand that it's valuable. My dog found it and chewed it, this is so surprising. FML." Lawl you're such a dumbass.

backformorebitch is such an asshole.

Your a creep. Who does that. Its kinda sick. Why didnt you just get another cat instead of stuffing the old one?..why didnt you just get it cremated like other weirdo pet owners and spread its ashes around in your backyard. You are probably one of those people who call their animals their children...

wow, basically everyone needs to calm done. Getting an animal stuffed is not a terrible thing to do, it's not 'inhumane'- the animal is dead.. if anything it shows how much the owner loved the animal, that they want it around for a much longer time and care to pay how much its costs to have an animal stuffed. "why didnt you just get a new cat?" yea thats a lot better, just replace the dead animal without thinking twice. do you people who say animals are equal to humans replace a dead relative the day after they die? ... nope. everyone on here is clearly just looking for confrontation and something to argue about.

YDI. It's not because I think you're gross for stuffing your cat. It's because you left a dead animal where your dog could reach it!

YDI . Why couldn't you just bury it instead of keeping it around your house? It's like stuffing your granny and putting her on the couch because we should be reminded whenever we're in our home that a loved one just died. Creepy.

I never really understood the point of taxidermy... but this example is just extremely sad. Not the kind of sad, where you say "awwwww!" The kind of sad that makes you say "Ew! Get a ******* life!"

SelenaGomezz 0

Wow all these people are so insensitive, personal i wouldnt stuff my cat because its kinda of werid and it would make me more upset looking at it, but it your choice. Im soo sorry about your cat, it really sucks. I love my cat so much and i know shes gonna die soon shes 16 ha But who knows. Anyways I hope you feel better. And P.s. Ignore these ignorint people.

birdbirdbird 0

@145, Since when is killing dogs illegal in the U.S? It's not, under controlled circumstances (oh hey, euthanasia and/or self defense). There's really nothing wrong with Peta or stuffing your dead cat. It's all just personal views that you ought not to be disrespectful of. (And if you for some reason feel like being disrespectful makes you somehow superior, get your shit straight, first). Yayyyyy. @305, I laughed for like twenty seconds. :D. @OP, Sorry about your cattttttttttt ): And that your dog tried to eat it...