By Fmycatslife - 26/07/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, I got my cat stuffed after her death. I brought her home and set her down by my couch. I guess my dog thought it was a new chew toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 886
You deserved it 78 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you deseved it for getting your cat stuffed in the first place thats ******* creepy


:| ydi for stuffing your cat ...... i'm sure he'd much rather you have given him a mini funeral & buried him in your backyard. instead of being stuffed and chewed up by your dog. disgusting.

To be honest, you deserved it for stuffing your cat. I've always found it to be an unlawful thing to do anyway. =

KristenCullen15 0

my cat sits on the couch all day, so I guess if it died then I'd get it stuffed and I wouldn't even notice it was dead

ew why would you stuff the cat?! that's sick! bury the poor thing!

Calm down 42... but seriously your weird for stuffing your cat.