By embarassed_chick - 24/08/2009 19:59 - United States

Today, I got my first period. My dad bought me a card and had everyone in my family sign it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 705
You deserved it 4 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rach17 0

Oh, God, your life SUCKS. My dad wouldn't even want to KNOW I started my period. :) He'll just have my mom take care of it. :)

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

you're profile says you're 19 years old. and ******* twilight is your photo. dont be calling other people toddlers when you're barely in college, bitch.


voveraite 7

Replying to some post of DGW above: women should never douche, not even during those days! Self-cleaning oven. Now if you meant shower, I fully agree, but showers happen whether Aunt Flo visits or not ^_^.

dimple_s 0

That's so sweet! i think he's just simply excited his lil girl is turning into a woman-nothing creepy about that!

voveraite 7

DGW, women should never douche, not even during those days! It's a self-cleaning oven ;) Now, if you meant shower, it's a different story, but showers should happen, those days or not!

voveraite 7

I hope you meant it as a joke, in which case WIN!

fitz_dizzyspells 0

that's nothing. my mom threw me a party and invited all my friends. she made everyone wear red.

if it makes you feel any better, my dad got me a stuffed animal and a bouquet of daisies that said "to my no-longer-little-girl."

AntiChrist7 0

Do you rather have him saying "stop bleeding and do the laundry"?

X_o_X_ocutie 0

no, ya don't it hurts like hell the first day it starts every month, for the next few days it's aight except the part about messing up clothes =/