By anon - 13/05/2009 17:39 - United States

Today, I graduated from college and my parents gave me an apple. Not the computer, the fruit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 241
You deserved it 5 649

Same thing different taste

Top comments

andycaliboy 0

show em what you learned in college and turn it into a pipe

greatnt249 0

Is that their way of joking about you becoming a teacher?


I can see the humour in I don't see it being much of an FML. Unless you went through a lot of crap during college and you graduating is a really big deal. You never could be a hint of what's to come. Or maybe not, you never know! But you should count yourself lucky, some people don't get any recognition from their parents. Some people don't even graduate.

that's the point you idiot you are contradicting yourself... graduating from college is a big deal because like you said not everyone gets to go and not everyone makes it all the way through to graduation and that is why OP was critiquing the apple

Since you call it college you're probably in the US, in which case odds are your parents helped pay your way through college. They owe you nothing at all.

for a start, be thankful you went to college. secondly, as people have said ( #22 in particular), starving kids in Africa would've killed for that apple. thirdly, the apple is often seen as the fruit that granted Adam and Eve knowledge of good and evil. Thus, since it is a symbol of knowledge, maybe your parents were joking and you'll get a better gift later on.

Eh, what? Do people normally get expensive computers as gifts for completing higher education? When I graduate I'm expecting a hug and a celebratory meal at Wetherspoons. Perhaps I'm underselling myself, I should let my mum know of my new expectations so she can start saving now...

@2 *snorts* This is, in fact, the most perfect response. @22 Man, I hope I never get a swift kick to the ovaries. That sounds painful. @ OP Ouch.

that kind of sucks!! after getting through four years of college you definitely deserve something more than an apple! maybe not a car though!!!

b5200 0

Well hey - at least you can eat an apple. Apple computer SUCK!

liquidpaper 0

Getting a graduation present makes a lot more sense than getting a birthday present. Graduating from college is an accomplishment and a once in a lifetime event, nothing wrong with celebrating and acknowledging that. What's so special about turning another year older that people should give you things?

because not everyone makes it to their next birthday each year