By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


Haha the illustration isn't too bad, but this FML is hilarious. What a catch that girl is!

Also, for people who say 'Haha she was just joking, she's probably on the pill' and 'Why would she want a baby with a stranger anyway?' - I have KNOWN girls who are that desperate for a baby that they have done similar things such as pretending to be on the pill, not just to strangers but to their boyfriends in order to get pregnant. Some girls are nuts. Also, LOL @ #822. I'm so glad I'm a girl. A baby is less of a problem than, for example, HIV. Happily we now have fancy retroviral drugs but you've still just cut your life span in half or more. P.S. Either you should have listened in sex ed or you are a victim of idiotic abstinance only education programs - you release plenty enough sperm to get a girl pregnant while you're having sex so even if you pull out before you expel most of the sperm you're quite likely to get her pregnant. ........ But that girl was freaking weirrrrd.

Heard this one before about 3 weeks ago. Common, I am 14 years old and I even know pulling out doesnt work. Didnt you listen while you were is Sex Ed? While your having sex some sperm still leaks out. God Damn. Totally your fault.

thelarkscaw 0

wooowwwww. @ all this fighting. bottom line- you CAN still get pregnant with the pullout. also usually the illustrations are kinda lame but this one was pretty funny.

She was probably just some girl that regularly took "the pill" and thought this would be hilarious. ...She was right.

LMAO!!! This was one of the first FMLs I ever read and one of my all time favs!! Hilarious.

lilceej 0

#667 and whoever else said the pull-out method works... maybe it does for a bit, but it's a ticking time bomb. I don't know what website you looked under, but according to most medical professionals, pre-ejaculate and secretions during sex CAN and usually DO contain sperm. It's a risk not worth taking. Plus, the whole STD's thing is KIND OF important.

aquariusbeauty 0
beg2dream 0

#9 that is true, but at the same time she may have known she was ovulating. I had a friend that would go out on the nights she was ovulating and have sex with guys. It worked for her!