By RC3Welly - 09/03/2012 22:58 - United States

Today, I had drunk sex with a girl that I barely know. I didn't have a condom and was nervous about getting her pregnant, but she assured me that I could pull out. Right when I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me and yelled, "BE MY BABY'S DADDY!" I couldn't get out in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 769
You deserved it 1 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pull out method doesn't work. You're ****** for life.


Wow, YDI. As for the pull out method... when I was just dating my husband we tried that... turns out men cum throughout the sex act. Guess who's due in October?

Blackrose13 0

Falcon PAUNCH! Seriously though, that is ****** UP. Pull out method is only effective if you are not drunk and all, and is probably best used as a back up method at best(Like if a girl misses a pill) in a monogamous long term relationship. It does not protect against STDs, which you could now have. Plus you now have to worry about a kid. Smart move.

Yaaaaay! This is, like, my favorite FML, and it has an illustration! That is awesome. :D

Fllyleaf 0

WTF? Are you like 14 or something? Did you never learn sex-ed? As soon as you put it in there is a chance of you getting her pregnant, it doesn't matter if you've cummed or not..

blacklily0103 0

omg if sperm hadn't come out yet she can't get pregnant!!

I ******* love the illustration. Sorry, YDI. Have fun going to all those Hannah Montana concerts in the future.

Blimy 0

actually 808, it's not once you stick it in, it's just if any pre-ejaculate or semen is expelled. How else is sperm supposed to get to the egg?

this illustration has NOTHING to do with the FML. who said it was at a bar? and who said she was fat and ugly? maybe she was beautiful. plus, those people look like aliens. Artist-fail.

This illustration has absolutely NOTHING to do with the FML. Who said this happened at a bar? Who said the girl was fat and ugly; Who said she wasn't good looking? and really... these people look like aliens. Artist-FAIL.