By A Henderson - 25/04/2012 20:50 - United States

Today, I had to explain to a potential client that I wouldn't represent him, because suing his neighbor for calling him a pansy would get us laughed out of court and likely get me disbarred. His response was to get violent and threaten to sue me for violating his civil rights. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 189
You deserved it 2 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should sue him for getting violent and messing up your office. And then you should sue him for trying to force you to take a frivolous case. And then you should sue him for threatening you!

I'm willing to bet this guy is old. Old people just have a natural thing for complaining. We give them a nice retirement home and a phone call once a month, what could they complain about?


tensley5822mom 0

Sue happy people piss me off.

So you were ****** either ways :/ sorry op

You don't have to represent him. Thats your choice

Is that all we do nowadays just sue when we can't handle something... I mean come on

Well at least he had a better reason the second time around.

Too bad u can't sue people for being f&&king idiots.

Wait 5 years should be common by then