By turnedoff - 18/06/2012 01:00 - United States

Today, I kindly asked my boyfriend to shave his pubic hair to make oral sex more enjoyable for me. He declined, saying, "Think of it as flossing your teeth. I'm doing you a much needed favor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 669
You deserved it 5 870

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When they get stuck in your teeth and ripped out, tell him to think of it as waxing considering he refused to shave.

KM96 24

A favour of having mouth full of hair? I doubt it would do a goos flossing job...


You should let your bush get all out of control so when he complains you can give him the same response.

74- I don't think Op growing a Power Muff is the answer, considering Op clearly does not prefer excessive amounts of pubic hair. I believe she wants less, not more. ;)

bitter3ulogy 0

Simple, no more sex for him

Wax it while he sleep!! It'll hurt but that's payback for what he told you

noisebox 1

Tell him well then no more butt blasting...

Retaliate: don't return the favor in terms I shaving or giving. If he won't do that for you he doesn't deserve the oral in the first place.

The number of people that care about pubic hair on this post surprises me. Let him do whatever he wants to his hair. You deserve it.

Shaving is harsh. The regrowth feels like a Brillo pad in your pants. Better to wax or sugar it. Oral waxed feels amazing for both people.

j3ebrules 13

He doesn't need to shave... he just needs to trim. And if he's gonna be an ass about it, then DON'T DO IT.