By life sucks - 20/05/2010 05:12 - United States

Today, I learned my boyfriend has another girlfriend. His excuse is he's bipolar and each of his personalities needs a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 782
You deserved it 5 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh wow... he could've at least said he had a multiple personality disorder... doesn't bipolar deal with your moods? I could be wrong here though...

But the point is, they are both still Jake. Just two sides of the same coin. If it was someone with DID, then there wouldbe Jake, Ben, Vlad, Mary, etc. Depends on how many personalities there are. The OP's bf (hopefully ex) is an idiot. Period.


feel sorry for you and your boyfriend, if he actually is bipolar that sucks hard.

ahh my boyfriend has DID and he is an alter turned out the main spirit is engaged with one of my bestest friends online. this is how long distance relationships suck. but my boyfriend had no idea he had it when we were dating for a year

thats an epic win being bipolar I can see why he would have a girl for each state of mind

53 and 60 your hour is up please pay the receptionist on your way out.

Man if your going to lie at least be accurate. He should have claimed Dissociative identity disorder.

Uh bipolar and split personality disorder are 2 different things... bipolar is manic depression and euphoria, there are no split personalities.... get your facts straight before faking a FML :-)

You fail. The bf was the one who lied. Jerk.

Derrrrrrrrrr being bipolar is not the same as having multiple personalities.