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By Heyhey - 08/12/2008 08:46 - France

Today, I met someone with the same name as me for the first time ever. I'm 20 years-old; he's 97. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 471
You deserved it 4 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Easy_Target 0

Hey, could be worse, I knew a kid named Ebenezer.

b023d 0

yeah my name isn't uncommon, but i've never met someone with the same spelling... which affects people pronouncation >_< also I'm named after a season... just to top it off... hippy parents sigh people need to think more carefully before nameing their children.


b023d 0

yeah my name isn't uncommon, but i've never met someone with the same spelling... which affects people pronouncation >_< also I'm named after a season... just to top it off... hippy parents sigh people need to think more carefully before nameing their children.

kindofgocrazy 0

Autumn and Summer aren't that uncommon of names, if you're either of those.

icall_BS 0

How the **** is this an FML? You know what OP, **** you.

mine is sort of in between but i've never met anyone with the same name but heard of a few. btw its jade

actually one of my best friends name is Jade.

This ******* ridiculous. Dumbest. FML. Ever.

krazy_ai 0

#93 that was a lil uncalled for...:/

@ the **** is that a reply? you know what 93 **** you.

how is that an FML? unless you met him right before he died?

julianne12345 0

My name isn't too uncommon, but I've never met anyone with it spelled the same. except for Julianne hough! but I haven't met her.

peachykeen13 0

I can sympathize I'm always meeting middle aged people who are all like 'oh really? my great aunt who just died of colon cancer has the same name as you!'

how is that an fml tho... it means ure name is unique... u wanna be common?

I have never met anyone that has my name..its Deja and pretty uncommon

you've never met anyone with the name jade? where the hell do you live?

I teach snowboarding and I get some pretty awesome-named folks, my personal favourite being The One With The Shadow. That was his name. Sick, eh?

ishiloh 5

yeah I haven't met a lot of people with my name either :$ :P (Shiloh) ahaa no keychains with my name on it, apparently... ;P

lucy331 0

yeah, I've never met anyone with the same name as me (Lucy) I know there's Lucille ball but I've never met her. And theres never and keychains with my name on the either:( but the good thing is I have a friend with the same situation his name is Gannon

Mines Drew (female) I only know one other person with the name. Anyone ever meet a (female) Kirby?

I know someone named Heaven Precious.. no joke.

I know someone named Heaven Precious.. no joke.

Akers_L7 8

I agree greatly. for all my life I had to deal with people probly ing my name wrong

red2live 0

#197 I went to middle school with a girl named Kirby.

I know someone called Minty Chalice. No joke ?

Sigh at least you dont have the same name as a beetles song and your primary school teachers sang it to you all the time (Michelle)

mstangchck 9

Mines Carol-Ann. Only heard of one person with that name and it's the girl from poltergeist :/

Yeah, my name's pretty uncommon too. I've only ever met one person with the same name, and that was just recently. My other problem is also that no one ever pronounces it correctly. Oh, and no keychains for me, either. Buut I do love my name ?

#196 One of my brother's best friends is named Gannon

falon142012 22

I knew a Guy and a girl with that name back in high school

I never heard in my life mucho less met someone with my horrible name, except for that terrible woman un the Bible who gave my name that messed up meaning......(names Jezebel)

I know a guy named Gannon. Fine as all get out xD

My names Dusty. I've met 1 guy named Dusty, and 1 girl named Dusty xD It's spelt "Dusty" But people misspell it "Dustee" or "Dustie" or try to change it up. No Keychains for me either 3:

What's wrong with Emily? I think it's a good name, even if it's a really common name.

I know a Daeja. It's spelled differently but sounds the same

I know a Gannon and my lola's name is Lucia but everyone calls her Lucy.

I've met people with the name Amelia but I've never met anyone with the same name as me (Emilia).

alice_18 16

My name is Felicia, which is pretty straightforward, except no one can spell it right. It's even wrong on my paychecks.

kingdomgirl94 29

No one can ever spell or say my name right :( Tah-nAy-uh Tanaya. Not that hard! D: I always get Tuh-nI-uh... though the store manager where I work recently called me Tanana... like banana... which was a first...

I'm Charlie but it's spelt Charlea so I get called "Char-leah" "Chelsea" and "Charles" when people read it aloud *sigh*

Used to go to school with a girl named delight sprinkle

I'm a Krista... Uncommon name itself, but I see it spelled Christa if I ever DO see it which is rare. No luck finding anything with my name on it that's not custom made.

b023d 0

Nice effort -M- But nah its Summer, just random as spelling, Somma...

Kegokec 0

Somma is a drug. &gt;&gt; I don't think it was supposed to be 'Summer'. &gt;&gt;;;;;

i kno a girl named superporn... beat that

my names Brandon hah ! no one ever has my name.. hooray for me

I know like 10 Brandons. That name is very common.

s55m 4

my middle name is sommer. pronounced the same

I have 18 brandons that I can say off the top of my heEad. Beat dat shit upp

UltimateGIRness 16

I have a very common name(sadly) but my friend is named seven

Jaaared_ 15
Easy_Target 0

Hey, could be worse, I knew a kid named Ebenezer.

teehee I know someone named 'ben Dover'

159 - I actually know a dude named Mike Hunt. Sound it out...

Mines Viennamay ~ never heard of another

I know a chick named Boobie, f her life indeed

there's a girl I know named La-a, pronounced ladasha

Kai_fml 0

Yeah in my circle of friends, there are three jen's including myself. but i know about 10 ppl off the top of my head with the same damn name

One of my bessies has the same name and we've been in the same classes since Nursery. BTW it's NOT actually Scaramouche (though that would be pretty cool and nobody else would have it.) XD

Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen Jen and Jen ??

Heyhey, tell us your name! I'm intrigued.

ime_fml 0

haha, that happened to me too, but I'm 15 and it was my friend's grandmother. Long live crazy parents who give their children weird-ass names

jamesSIII 0

Oddeseus? That's a friend of mine. Greek mythology-weheyy.

Isn't it spelt Odysseus? that's the spelling most like the ancient Greek one.

yeah i have never met anyone with the same spelling as my name though apparently its my moms drs name (yey for me!!) (its Eleanor btw... but i dont go by it)