By thatisfuckedup - 13/06/2013 22:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I ordered some burgers at a fast food joint. When I said, "No lettuce," the cashier looked dumbfounded and asked, "What's that?" I literally had to say, "The green stuff" before she got it. I'm losing hope. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 456
You deserved it 3 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she give you a burger without pickles?

MissWhitneyB 17

*facepalm* They hire anyone these days


Well it shows that they don't make the food...but working at a joint like that they should know basic condiments...if not what's the point of working...

I don't like lettuce on my burgers usually either and I think the Point of the rhyme is that it Didn't rhyme...

Speaking as a former burger guy, that's just dumb.

So they'll hire someone who doesn't even know what lettuce is, but I still can't get a job...lovely...

Now days that would take a LOT of pesticide.

xKeroseneHearts 9

My friend doesn't know what lettuce is either xD

It could potentially be that she doesn't speak the language well and did not know what that meant. But in that case the manager is at fault for letting an employee that doesn't understand the language work in customer service.