By thatisfuckedup - 13/06/2013 22:12 - United Kingdom

Today, I ordered some burgers at a fast food joint. When I said, "No lettuce," the cashier looked dumbfounded and asked, "What's that?" I literally had to say, "The green stuff" before she got it. I'm losing hope. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 456
You deserved it 3 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did she give you a burger without pickles?

MissWhitneyB 17

*facepalm* They hire anyone these days


Let's hope... The other explanation makes me wanna cry.

I very highly doubt someone didn't know what lettuce was, you probably just weren't speaking clearly. Or you're an asshole. Or both.

She needs a fast food fake play set so she can study at home and become a manager.

I would've walked out. if the worker doesnt know what lettuce is the food has to be terrible!

I think she didn't hear you properly. So she asked what's that.

MuppetMerkin 10

And that's why this person works fast food...

Dusty_Busters 15

Says the one taking their veggies off their burger

1. Some people are sensitive to certain types of lettuce, and 2. It's not hypocritical or wrong? Some people occasionally do enjoy foods with no nutritional value. It doesn't mean they eat bad all the time, it just means that maybe they aren't a lettuce fan, and occasionally want to treat themselves to something without lettuce.

Since it was a fast food restaurant it was probably iceberg lettuce, which has practically no nutritional value anyways.