By Username - 08/07/2011 06:12 - United States

Today, I overheard my boyfriend telling his friends about how great the sex was last night, and how he loves to "make a bitch bend over". We've been dating for 3 years, and haven't made love in several weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 586
You deserved it 6 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revenge. make sure he can hear you when your talking to someone about how "bad he is in bed" then turn around and break up with him

Maybe he just wants to show off to his friends and make them believe he still has a healthy sex life.


hmmm he may be cheating on you.....hard to say though.

delaney4 0

guys just say that stuff to their friends. ur overreacting

delaney4 0

Hahahaha 55 I agree! this was funny

discipleX 0

he's just trying to show off

well maybe you shouldnt not be having sex otherwise tuis probably wouldn't o happend.

I'd be more concerned about his blatantly misogynistic comment ("bend a bitch over") than his lying (presumably) to his friends about his sex life. He sounds like a slime bag. Your call OP, but I'd dump his ass.