By Username - 08/07/2011 06:12 - United States

Today, I overheard my boyfriend telling his friends about how great the sex was last night, and how he loves to "make a bitch bend over". We've been dating for 3 years, and haven't made love in several weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 586
You deserved it 6 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revenge. make sure he can hear you when your talking to someone about how "bad he is in bed" then turn around and break up with him

Maybe he just wants to show off to his friends and make them believe he still has a healthy sex life.


JPLovesAnimals 4

at least YOUR not the BITCH. :)

i'm only calling you out because you decided to place emphasis on it, but: you're* |the kid|

"Haven't made love in several weeks" maybe you should put out more? Ytdi

Relationships aren't ALL about sex. Some people remain abstinent for years and are very happy with that.

lemonsquid 6

REVENGE ON HIM!!! talk on the "phone" to one of ur "friends" n talk about how awesome sex was... n u love to tell him to "go faster n harder" ;)

even if hes not cheating, your boyfriend still sounds like a douche. especially if he was lying and you were the 'bitch'. i hate when guys call girls that, its so disrespectful. dump him !

brokenangelexy 13

either he is bullshitting or he is cheating either way he needs his ass kicked and probably dumped

Zeradire 5

regardless of if he's cheating or not, saying "bend a bitch over" makes me think of one of those rapper wanna bes that sag their pants and talk shit all day. I'd be more worried about that than him cheating.

me too ! if my boyfriend ever spoke to me or about me like that, id be bending his bitch ass over to shove my foot up his ass ! lol

sky22_fml 7

Wow. If he has to lie...something's wrong