By Username - 08/07/2011 06:12 - United States

Today, I overheard my boyfriend telling his friends about how great the sex was last night, and how he loves to "make a bitch bend over". We've been dating for 3 years, and haven't made love in several weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 586
You deserved it 6 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

revenge. make sure he can hear you when your talking to someone about how "bad he is in bed" then turn around and break up with him

Maybe he just wants to show off to his friends and make them believe he still has a healthy sex life.


On the bright side your not the bitch he was talking about. It annoys me when men refer to all women dating or otherwise as bitches or hoes, where the respect for the ******!

haha that just made my day. and my day beenreally shitty

katiegurl19512 10

guess u found the answer to ur problem?

haven't made love, maybe that's the reason he is bending bitches over

There's the boners humor I love, thumbs up!

karinaprism9 4
kraine0712 2

I'll just say, young men like to stretch the truth to look cool. Maybe 'last night' to him was several weeks ago with you. Or maybe he is cheating. You have to talk to him before jumping to conclusions. The best way to approach most situations like this is giving the other person the benefit of the doubt at first, any other infractions go with your gut.

any guy who says he likes to "make a bitch bemd over" deserves to get a punch in the face

Iriz 0

U need to keep ur eyes open, look around a bit he might b liein to his friends like others say but u never know so keep it safe n check it out...