By kiki - 05/08/2010 18:24 - United States

Today, I realized that in French, my name means "penis." This wouldn't be so bad if my dad wasn't fluent in French. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 354
You deserved it 3 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BoyFromTheFuture 0

nice... now you need to find someone with a name that's slang for ****** and you have a solemate.

Actually, it could also be "Zizi", but I'm assuming it's Kiki because that seems more plausible. FYL OP, but I guess it's a nice way to break the ice, no? "Hi, what's your name?" "Penis. What's yours?" :)


and whats your name? because penis in french still is penis...

It could also be "Verge" , that's another word for penis in french...

I'm French. Your name doesn't mean penis, zizi means penies!

adorableemu54 0

So is your name Verge? Because otherwise it's just penis.

zacharytk72 5

hey dumbass, penis in French is PENIS

Actually, everyone, if you want to go into the slang terms, then "le kiki ou quiqui" also means penis. It's slang, but it's the same as "****" meaning penis in English, when "****" is the short name for a cockerel.

at least your name isn't that of a Hatian kid I know... Luscious Pussey.

ann3so 0

I'm french too and "kiki" can also mean penis ...but in childlish words

As a native French speaker I'm very curious to know what your name is.