By Stormbringer - 01/02/2011 06:37

Today, I realized that someone spray painted a giant black cock on the front of my house while I was asleep. I also just recently painted my entire house yellow. Yellow doesn't cover up black penis very well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 460
You deserved it 4 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could have just said "black ****." "Giant black ****" is a bit redundant.


lmao wow. im sure it brings out the paint job at least?

yeah, cause nothing brings out the yellow on your house like a giant, crudely drawn, black ****.

xxst3althshotxx 1

Just cover it up with more black paint, it will look a lot better.

black and yellow black and yellow come on every1 let's sing together black and yellow black and yellow..

hahafylop 4

black and yellow black an yellow black and yellow black and yellow! chorus! black black black, and black and yellow, and black, and yel-l-o-o-ooooooo!

MuZex3 0

Black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow!

Black ****, yellow paint, my neighbors scared of me but the gays ain't

You could have just said "black ****." "Giant black ****" is a bit redundant.

rallets 22

nothing covers up a black **** very well zing!! also, yea, uh huh, you know what it is, black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow!!!

Kefka91 15

If I were them I woulda spray painted "eat pussy" across the side of the building in huge letters. Then you can have a couple of song-bird jesus-freak dealers outside your house making dick and fart jokes and shmokin' some weed.

nae_nae7890 0

did you think it was a joke when they said " once you go black, you never go back"?!?!??

153, one of the funniest comments I've read on here hahahahah

skanksonaplane 0

it's true. they are bigger. mmmm

darn! I was about to make a crack about black and yellow

48 - put a paper bag on, or preferably plastic.

weissesengel 0

54-dont b an asshole. how bout we put some clothes on. and the chik under hers prettay so shush yo mush

black and yellow black and yellow black ****, yellow paint

TaylorTotsYumm 10

#22's picture is pretty funny.

everyone steals my thunder. oh & yeah 22 , that's nasty .. this is a public website, pretty sure we're not interested in seeing your almost nudes.

22 is a girl. the picture over the crotch area is a cat. not a weenie-dog

leave Maurice alone!! it's their picture leave them be.

kaylaraeh 0

Those who are complaining about 22's picture, get over it and worry about something else for a change and mind your own business instead if getting all up in hers. It's a picture, you can't see any genitals, so I'm pretty sure you all will survive.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Oh my god. Gerard Way is such a pretty girl, ain't he?

He was proving the point that even though you have a nice freshly painted house, his black dick is scientifically proven to more than likely be bigger than your white dick.

dang i never get to read these comments before they get moderated...

Inspired22 11

Two choices: A, get a professional to remove it. B, paint it a different color. That sucks, though! What a royal pain!

no, thats not what you meant. you even used the word "people" to clarify how racist you are.