By Anonymous - 10/01/2012 17:43 - India

Today, I received a letter from the state saying my 14-year-old daughter is now legally recognized as a male. I have no idea what happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 387
You deserved it 5 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dad, there's something i have to tell you...

I think it's time for a talk with your " daughter".


well the govt wouldn't change ur gender even if u identify urself as a boy or girl...they go by what is biological...also a kid can become emancipated but im not sure at what age so idk wtf happened...prob just a system error....-_- india

awesomegerf 7
xXRazelleLuniiXx 9

Maybe it's your daughter pulling a prank on you :) Well, let's hope anyways...

the state is a noun? i mistake it for a state like "the United States of America"

Gross, once someone changing there gender they are no longer people. When you change gender it.also changes your species from human to monster.

Has your daughter recently returned from a class trip to Thailand?