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By asshole - 02/10/2009 05:34 - United States

Today, I sat to the right of a girl I really like. I passed her a note asking her to homecoming. She read it, then hurriedly passed it to a hideous girl sitting on her left, who said yes, then hugged me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 191
You deserved it 12 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expen_dable 0

so its wrong to think a girl is unattractive? so do you say "yes" to every guy who asks you out, and you wouldn't dare call a guy ugly or unattractive? I hate this double standard where whiny fat girls say "ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL HOW DARE YOU NOT SAY YES!!" but have no problem gossiping about the ugly guy that just tried to ask your friend out. sorry but this isn't a perfect world of flowers and butterflies and unicorns where every girl is a princess.

amanbaby 0

that sucks...she couldve just said no, without doing that.


the_7 0

Tell the ugly girl it was a misunderstanding, then slap the one you DID ask out and walk away. FYL

Gruffy 0

OP, I wouldnt recommend taking #15's advice... ya, what happened sucked, and that chick could have reacted better, but there is absolutely NO excuse to physically assault a woman. And 15, kids in high school, try to bear in mind that he might actually be tempted to take random advice like that.. better world out there, people, just takes a little work from everyone.

"ya, what happened sucked, and that chick could have reacted better, but there is absolutely NO excuse to physically assault a woman." Screw that double standard

Chocolate_Chunk 2

thanks, mike, I was about to write that.

TigerSpots 4

Y'all sound Luke dumb *****, he was obviously kidding about actually slapping her.

Tighthead420 0

You're a tool for using a note. YDI.

goingdown_fml 0

Wait, if the girl was on your right, and she passed it to her left... are you taking yourself to Homecoming?

"I sat to the right of a girl I really like". Read it over & over 'til you get it.

visage 0

ydi for not having the balls to talk to her.

ever thought maybe you're the hideous guy who can only get the hideous girl? ydi for thinking you're hot

YDI for not growing up and asking her face to face. And if you insist on acting like a ten year old, YDI still for not putting a name on the note.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Everyone calling him an asshole is probably the hideous or fat girl at their school. Otherwise you wouldn't care. Go drown yourself in a tub of Ben and Jerrys while complaining about how guys only like the "skanks."

or some of us have actually graduated high school and have enough life experience to know that there are things more important in a relationship than looks.

So you'd sleep with anyone who has a good personality? Who cares about looks? When there's no lights on, you can't see who you're banging. :p I hate people who act like they're self righteous and believe that "all people are good and looks don't matter; it's all about personality" bullshit.

In 50 years your super model will be a shrivled up piece of crap. Just because you aren't happy doesn't mean they arent

I know he never said he was. that's why I said ydi for 'thinking' you're hot

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

So you can read his mind? You know that he "thinks" he's hot?

people who do not think they're hot do not refer to other people as "hideous."

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

only hot people call other people hideous? what kind of logic is that? someone is bitter towards good looking people...

im not hot, far from it, i still refrence some people as hideous

"people who do not think they're hot do not refer to other people as "hideous."" Since when?

mykehawke 0

this is wrong, if were figuring out who's on the left side of the attractive girl, wouldn't that ne you since her left is you and yor right is her?? confused lol

Maybe she already had someone to go with? Maybe she knew the girl liked you? It's your fault for probably signing the note with your name hun.