By Anonymous - 09/09/2010 20:09 - United States

Today, I saw a pregnant woman fall off her moped. As I helped her back up, I asked if her baby was okay. I was then blindsided by her brick of a purse while she screeched, "I'm not pregnant!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 643
You deserved it 14 675

Same thing different taste

Top comments

never assume a woman is pregnant unless its extremely obvious

perdix 29

If you were a plumpa humpa, you could have said, "I'd be happy to get you there, ma'am."


if she's that fat maybe next time she falls off she should roll to were ever she's going

awesomesauce8 0

hehehe moped. fat people make me giggle.

YDI for askin her instead of just sayin YOU OKAY dumb ass

Haha_Owned3 6

says the justin bieber fan....

auntiemomma 0

wtf?! how would she automatically know whether he baby was ok or not u dumbass

Maybe the lady landed on her stomach or something, so he asked if the baby was okay. I have a friend who has that weird pouch of fat just on her stomach - her arms and legs are skinny, but her stomach is big. One time I was with her and my friend that was 7 months pregnant and a guy asked when both their babies were due... it was kind of awkward because their stomachs looked exactly the same but one wasn't pregnant... But she didn't yell at the guy or beat his face with purse.

Wow - what a cow. The woman definitely has problems - blaming a problem on other people that only she has control over.