By Anonymous - 23/04/2009 13:35 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend of three and a half years a text message spilling my heart out, saying I'll love him forever, and how much I appreciate him in my life, that I want to be the mother of his children, etc. His text back to me? "Are you drunk?!?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 073
You deserved it 67 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the "mother of your children" part probably prompted his question more than anything else

Yeah that's a pretty awkward thing to send over a text..


InsaneOblongata 0

I don't understand why people text important things like that. Why not say it in person. I understand that some people are shy when it comes to spilling their guts, but saying something meaningful has more merit when you say it in person rather than doing something impersonal like texting it. Therefore; you deserved that.

VooDooXII 0

I would've said the same can't text something like that.

official_fml 2

The more emotional a woman is, the greater the chance that her words and actions only make sense to herself. Sorry, but it's true.

emmajester 0

I would have asked the same thing.

AK 2

You sound kind of creepy. Next time, think about what the other person would think of you before you do something.

ejvlols 0

You sound kind of creepy. Next time, think about what the other person would think of you before you do something.

meddude 0

seriously what did you expect? you may have put anonymous, but i can guess your name: Creepy McCreeperson. am i in the ballpark? i would've been asking the same thing. my follow up question is were you, in fact, drunk?

fmyoptical 0

uhhh That would be really awkward to send over text. If you guys have been going out that long, shouldn't you be comfortable enough to tell him that face to face? It only seems logical. :|

omar_fml 0

well it was at a random time and you sent it through text, i wouldn't blame him