By lamortdeshommes - 28/06/2011 17:03 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend to the store to get groceries while I was at work. Instead of what I listed, he came back with hot pockets, ice cream and beer. I'm lactose intolerant and pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 938
You deserved it 8 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ice cream is awesome! I'm lactose intolerant too, but I don't care when it comes to that!


RainbowzSkittlez 6

Well at least he got good stuff.

mismonroe 0

I don't understand how anyone can be angry when they have hot pockets.

well you can at least have the hot pockets

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He could have the decency to buy food for the girl he knocked up FIRST, and then get himself some damn hot pockets. She never said he wasn't allowed to eat what he wants, as long as she gets what she, and the baby, need..

I bet she paid for the 'food' he bought

She can just eat the damn baby or get groceries herself.

I feel sorry for the poor woman who might marry you one day.. Clearly you will sit on your arse all day while she does everything! Silly little kids like you shouldn't be allowed online.

Haha you get all defensive over the OP then seem to be able to predict the future because I made a couple of jokes. I like your style!

Ask him to check the mail then lock his @ss outside!!!

Aw man, I just imagined sticking my penis into a hot pocket after putting it in the microwave.

-sensei voice- You no horny for girl... You horny for HOT POCKETS!!

sydneymwfca 10

shes lactose intolerant like she said. hot pockets have cheese in them. fail.