By lamortdeshommes - 28/06/2011 17:03 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend to the store to get groceries while I was at work. Instead of what I listed, he came back with hot pockets, ice cream and beer. I'm lactose intolerant and pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 938
You deserved it 8 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ice cream is awesome! I'm lactose intolerant too, but I don't care when it comes to that!


blackvyper 8

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Erm, i'm fairly sure cavemen ate raw meat, grass, and other random vegetables they could find. Quite possibly they did have milk, but then i suppose once they found out that milk didn't agree with them... they stopped drinking it?

i know right? next people will claim that they have things like "cancer" and "diabetes". we all know cavemen never had either of those problems. gawd! /end sarcasm

finalyearsofhate 22

you need to do research on that because you sound ignorant. most people are lactose intolerant and don't realize it. there are varying degrees, and it is not something comfortable to deal with.

sovetskiy 8

How would any person know whether or not a caveman had a food allergy? Would it ever be possible to prove that? Perhaps the cavemen ate the foods they were allergic to when they were a child and died? Don't blame people for their allergies. -a guy who's allergic to peanuts

Ins0mau 20

The funny thing is, the ability to consume dairy WITHOUT problems is a relatively recent evolution. So ALL cavemen would be lactose intolerant. :-p

School was a very long time ago for #32.. He probably forgot about the whole evolution thing.

MissCharlotte_fml 26

Great! With this logic I can completely disreard my allergies to peanuts! Well I'm going to go eat some peanuts... everyone cross your fingers I don't die!! *end sarcasm*

BarbieGirl1671 0

You have a ******* awesome boyfriend. Good luck.

NeverShoutDana 13

You really hooked a winner.. ;P

Step one: have an abortion and dump his childish ass. Step two: ??? Step three: profit!

if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself

*Grumble about FML's stupid commenting system*

The ice cream is for the foodsome. Who needs icy hot lube when you got tasty treats that do the same thing?