By lamortdeshommes - 28/06/2011 17:03 - United States

Today, I sent my boyfriend to the store to get groceries while I was at work. Instead of what I listed, he came back with hot pockets, ice cream and beer. I'm lactose intolerant and pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 938
You deserved it 8 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ice cream is awesome! I'm lactose intolerant too, but I don't care when it comes to that!


hot pockets have cheese. lactose intolerant no good with cheese. idiots

For as long as I live, I will truly never understand why so many people date thoughtless, self-centered idiots--and even worse, have children with them. I really, really don't understand. Seriously, people. I don't care what our silly sex-obsessed culture says. It actually *is* better to be single than to date some moron who treats you like crap and inspires you to write FMLs.

I'm gonna Quote somebody from long ago... "It pisses me off to see that there women in this world who are trying to get pregnant but can't for whatever reason, but assholes like this are so ******* fertile." It's a sad, sad world. ;_;

pyrenean_dreams 0

While I do think this was a stupid, inconsiderate, childish act on his part, we don't know anything else about their relationship. It's pretentious and douchey to simply assume he treats her like craps all the time.

don't forget that you're a moron too! :D

haha don't worry, give him a day or two, he'll have whats on your list, no offense but pregnant women get what they want or else the guys life turns into o living hell

you have a bro bf......u should be proud

YDI for making him buy your groceries and being pregnant. I've been pregnant 4 times, and married twice... I could even go buy my own groceries and do everything for myself. Yes, every pregnancy is different, but most woman can take care of themselves. I can't have any sympathy for you if you aren't married because there's a major difference between being pregnant and married, and pregnant and only dating. Most people would deny it, but the mind set is completely different, even if you live together and aren't married, because even then, you don't know a lot about each other and it doesn't even matter how long you've been dating, I can testify to that and a lot of married couples can. Next time, just go buy your own groceries, or keep up with what you use up. I work as a Nurse Practitioner, I know not only from personal experiences, but from what I've been trained to do, that even if you're pregnant, there still is a lot you can do, that includes buying your own groceries. I don't think you should be using the fact that you're pregnant as a reason as to what your boyfriend did. I can however have empathy for being lactose, yes your boyfriend should have thought twice in that area.

Why can't he grocery shop? Why should a woman be the only one to do that critical part of maintaining a household? Whether she's pregnant is practically irrelevant; she can still expect him to do the shopping once in a while - she clearly has a job so it's not like housekeeping is her sole responsibility.

sockmunky 3
abylaunch 10

You're Fing stupid! "I understand that every pregnancy is different" obviously not or you wouldn't be running your mouth. During my first pregnancy I was so sick I was hospitalized multiple times and almost lost my life and my baby. I needed help just to take a shower or get to the bathroom so there's no way in hell I would have been able to get my own groceries. Congratulations if your pregnancies wear all puppies and rainbows but unfortunately that's not how it is for every one. I'm in the medical field too and it still amazes me how uneducated so many people in the field are. As far as her not being married that is a personal choice. You were married twice so obviously your first marriage wasn't that great. For all you know she could have been saving her self for marriage and then got raped. Don't judge people you don't know because you have no idea what her situation is. Get over your self!

Wtf. My ex-husband grocery shopped. Did you miss the part where I said that I'm a nurse practitioner. I went to school to have a great understanding of this. My pregnancies actually sucked, I was on bed rest for my 3rd child for 4 months, my youngest was born with brittle bone disease and was born 4 months premature, my first baby broke one of my ribs. I work in the field, I see pregnant woman all the time, I deliver their babies, I help take care of their sick babies. EVERY pregnancy is different. Don't try to tell a professional about pregnancies if you aren't in the field, I went to the U of A, which is one of the best schools in all of western Canada for my training and I grew up with family in the field. I've worked in the medical field for 11 years. My dad is an OBGYN. My mom is an RN. My little brother is going to school to become a general doctor. My brother-in-law is going to become a surgeon. My grandpa was a pharmacist. I could tell you tons of things about pregnancies. If you were educated in the field, you'd know where I'm coming from. Rape is a completely different situation. I am not judging in any way. She posted an FML, therefore I have full right to say almost anything within reason. I am entitled to my own opinion. Both my ex-husbands committed adultery, and both their mistress' became pregnant at one point.. so yes, my marriages never worked out.

iamtwiggyme 0

I live with my bf and I'm not married. However we've known each other for eleven years and we know each other better than both my sisters know their husbands.

abylaunch 10

Umm did you not read the part where I said I'm also in the medical field? You sound incredably full of your self. No wonder both your husbands cheated on you.

lulu1918 0

maybe as a nurse practitioner you should have learned how to remove the stick from your anal cavity! maybe if you don't share your life story and act like a total b*tch, you wouldn't have to defend yourself so violently. holy s**t woman.

lulu1918 0

oh and nice name... EZ2XLR8... bet those kids have a tart for a parent. gotta feel bad for them.

So #159 while you were on bed rest how much grocery shopping did you do? She never said she couldn't do it, just that she ASKED him to do it while she was WORKING! Him doing the shopping has nothing to do with her being pregnant, she only mentioned it to show she couldn't have anything he got (I.E the beer!) Learn to read

Agree #215. Learn to read. Maybe she was stuck on a late shift, wasn't gonna make it to the grocery store in time. My town doesn't have 24hr stores. I don't just assume hers do. I had to ask my husband to go to the store when I was at home, cut open from a C-section. I made a detailed list.. and by detailed I mean I wrote explanations of what it was, where it was, and even drew pictures since he'd used those excuses before. Still he comes home with a fraction of what was actually on the list, and a bunch of random junk that wasn't. Basically, he got in the store, had money in his pocket, and got what he wanted. Period. He could be a moron or he could have done it on purpose just so she wouldn't ask him again.

GoArmy6624 7

never send a man to do a womans job. ydi

kaykay20 0

She's the one with the job not the guy so only natural that he takes on the shopping when she is too busy with work. It can't be done by itself so how do you expect it to get done?

lalalaha 0

78. you may just be getting a little too creepy. every comment I've read of yours is dedicated to him O.o stalker

kaykay20 0

That's a really inconsiderate boyfriend you have. He really needs a reality check and needs to take into account that he isn't shopping for himself but for all 3 of you.