By hotpatata - 06/07/2012 15:03 - United States

Today, I sneezed my jaw out of socket. Yes, this is possible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 081
You deserved it 2 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments


myalleyway 9

Is your jaw back in it's correct place now? Did you sneeze it back, or just move it with your hand?

borkchop1992 15
thatKidzmOm 10

I imagine that's quite painful and it kind of grosses me out. Blih!

Brutal!! I have coughed so hard before my throat and nose bled...its bullshit when those involuntary functions decide to get nasty! Were you able to relocate your jaw, that had to hurt!!

Oh the mental images! :/ Now I'm afraid to sneeze! I'm sorry, OP!

I learnt something today! Seriously though, OP, that sucks and must be extremely painful, fyl and I hope it heals soon

A sneeze that powerful I must ask did you break a window or anything when the flying snot hit it.

rcgirl2 11

Dang! It's better than popping a blood vessel in your brain.

linkinpark98 23

This reminds me of when Stewie from Family Guy tried to force a fart and popped a vessel in his eye. :)

Andr913 13

I sneezed when reading this FML. It was terrifying.

syguerra 0

wow what happens when you cough?