By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


Carosello 0

I thought I had a free year-long guarantee when I got my Mac orrr I could be wrong... >_>

ibbijigety 0

I did the same thing but I had a warranty... It isn't covered and cost me $800 to fix.

massguy333 0

buy the insurance now then bring it in later

Jonathan33 0

I bet half the people talkin shit about mac r using their iPhone or iPod touch to read and post those comments... just my guess though. but yea MacBook air is really an expensive piece if shit. buy a Sony viao. now those are worth it.

tell me u were walkin on the table cuz it's pretty damn stupid to leave it on the floor

everyone here hating on macs can just shut the **** up becuase your just jealous that your nerds who are stuck with gay pieces of shit for a computor and have no sense of style. Not only do macs run just aswell if not better than pcs but they also dont look like someone took a shit and molded it into a laptop

You are just further proving the stereotype that Mac users are irrational douchebags.

TheCashMan88 0

Typical mac user . PROTIP: Non-Mac users such as myself are NOT JEALOUS (read that again several times) because you bought a overpriced shit computer. Stop playing the jealousy card and geta REAL argument, dickwad. The only reason to buy a Mac is to be a pretentious ****** with money to waste.

ok and your guys are not doing yourselves much justice either. "oh mac users are such rich douche bags who no nothing about computers", "im not jealous because even though i live in my moms basement and play world of warcraft all day smelling like farts and hot pockets." so if you enjoy that, then stay with a pc but if your not a complete failure at life, then step over to the mac side. I dont give a **** about how many gigabigahurts of whatever your computers have. All i need is something that runs smooth, is fast, can make nice powerpoints and word documents and excel spreadsheets and doesnt crash and freeze every second (well then i guess a pc is out of the question.) and if it looks nice ontop of that then hey why (im not exaggerating i used to be a pc)

TheCashMan88 0

Hey, guess what? My PC does all that AND more! And it doesn't crash every second because I'm actually somewhat competent at using a ******* computer (something most Mac users don't seem to understand)! AND, it runs smoothly! Of course you don't care about specs. All you want is something shiney and expensive so you can say that you can be a pretentious douchbag and say that have a Mac, all the while regurtitating piss-poor arguments that you probably heard from your pretentious douchbag friends. One more thing: I don't play WoW, and don't ever intend to. I also live on the other side of the world from my parents. Don't bring up your own problems just because you have buyers remorse from getting a ******* Mac.

". All i need is something that runs smooth, is fast, can make nice powerpoints and word documents and excel spreadsheets and doesnt crash and freeze every second" Wasn't excel developed by microsoft? ALso, I have a PC from 2003, it can do all of those. Hell, even the shitty school computers could that! All you need is any computer from the last century really.

OR he could have bought 3 or 4 ENTHUSIAST QUALITY RIGS. OOORRRR HE COULD HAVE BOUGHT THIS BAD BOY: BUUUT.... alas, no. he has to get a mac because he doesn't want to learn about anything. i, for one, feel good disowning anyone that pays 3500 bucks for something that they don't even know anything about.

"OOORRRR HE COULD HAVE BOUGHT THIS BAD BOY:" That thing looks overpriced as ****. Seriously

Your comment perfectly demonstrates the point that most Mac-users bought their computer for the simple reason that it "looks nice" rather than value, flexibility and content. Also, trying to make a generalisation about what PC laptops look like is foolish because there are so many companies that make PC laptops (unlike paranoid Apple and their Macs) that they look VASTLY different to each other.

ok well i wasn't trying to be mean but i see now that you guys are just to ******* stupid to understand any of what i said. "hey my 2003 pc can do that." maybe i didnt make it clear enough: I DONT CARE WHAT THE **** YOUR GAY ASS PIECE OF POORLY MANUFACTURED BULLSHIT CAN DO. STOP TRYING TO BRAG ABOUT HOW YOU OWN SUCH A GOOD COMPUTER BECAUSE NO ONE CARES. "God you mac owners just get more and more stupid every second." you just dont seem to understand that its not all about the "best specs" for the least money. there are other factors such as simplicity and user friendliness. I know your going to make fun of that by saying "thats just becuase mac users dont know aything about computers." well that is incorrect, its actually becuase mac users are not ******* nerds who know everything about computers. Even if they are expensive, mac users all all happy with their macs so that doesnt really matter to them so u can stop using price as a con for macs. so just soak all of this up and dont even reply to this because you just going to embarrass yourselves further

what if he had a PC and stepped on it? would it not of broke then i suppose? Those things to weigh like 7lbs and are a good paper weight i maybe u are right because Pc's are just as useful sitting there broken than they are in good condition.

You're trying too hard to be smart and funny, really.

Backpeddling much? You said all you need was a computer that could do X Y and Zed, I said a PC easily meets your requirements. Now you're talking about how you don't care that they do everything you said makes your mac better. I'M NOT BRAGGING ABOUT HOW I OWN SUCH A GOOD COMPUTER! INFACT, MY COMPUTER IS A PIECE OF SHIT AND IF THE AVERAGE NEW MAC DESKTOP DOESN'T BEAT IT I WILL ACTUALLY BE SHOCKED! ALSO I KNOW IT'S POORLY MANUFACTURED BECAUSE DELL SUCKS, DOESN'T MEAN SHIT, OTHER COMPANIES MAKE PCS TOO. Ok, fair enough, it's reasonable if you don't know computers then a slight increase could be justified for simplicity. That's why I'm buying a computer (From a site that saves me a lot of money that should be more mainstream) instead of building one. But, it seems to me like you're overspending for simplicity, and quite frankly , since PCs normally already have word, excel, powerpoint, and internet explorer on their dersktops , you have no idea what you're talking about. Unless ofcourse "double clicking" is too complicated for you. I really hope it isn't. Dude, there is a difference between knowing everything about computers and knowing your ass from a control panel. Seriously, you over-exagerate a lot. You also don't have to be a nerd to know enough about computers to effectively use one. As for the user friendliness, yea, PCs can be a bit unfriendly, and by PCs I mean vista. The two unfriendly features I'm thinking of take 3 minutes to deactivate at the most (and no, I'm not a nerd for that, looked up how to remove one of them and the other one took two clicks to remove), and those 3 minutes have saved me countless frustrations. So, sure, you need to know a little about computers to get past the user friendliness,

Backpeddling much? You said all you need was a computer that could do X Y and Zed, I said a PC easily meets your requirements. Now you're talking about how you don't care that they do everything you said makes your mac better. I'M NOT BRAGGING ABOUT HOW I OWN SUCH A GOOD COMPUTER! INFACT, MY COMPUTER IS A PIECE OF SHIT AND IF THE AVERAGE NEW MAC DESKTOP DOESN'T BEAT IT I WILL ACTUALLY BE SHOCKED! ALSO I KNOW IT'S POORLY MANUFACTURED BECAUSE DELL SUCKS, DOESN'T MEAN SHIT, OTHER COMPANIES MAKE PCS TOO. Ok, fair enough, it's reasonable if you don't know computers then a slight increase could be justified for simplicity. That's why I'm buying a computer (From a site that saves me a lot of money that should be more mainstream) instead of building one. But, it seems to me like you're overspending for simplicity, and quite frankly , since PCs normally already have word, excel, powerpoint, and internet explorer on their dersktops , you have no idea what you're talking about. Unless ofcourse "double clicking" is too complicated for you. I really hope it isn't. Dude, there is a difference between knowing everything about computers and knowing your ass from a control panel. Seriously, you over-exagerate a lot. You also don't have to be a nerd to know enough about computers to effectively use one. As for the user friendliness, yea, PCs can be a bit unfriendly, and by PCs I mean vista. The two unfriendly features I'm thinking of take 3 minutes to deactivate at the most (and no, I'm not a nerd for that, looked up how to remove one of them and the other one took two clicks to remove), and those 3 minutes have saved me countless frustrations. So, sure, you need to know a little about computers to get past the user friendliness problems, and it saves you a lot of time and stops you from buying an overpriced mac. You spend hundreds of dollars and I spent 30 minutes inbetween watching youtube videos on how to optimize my computer, doing what was worth it and ignoring what wasn't, and looking through my control panel, and tweaking things that I know could use tweaking. Who won out there hotshot? We aren't embarassed. You may think we are, but we don't care. Or atleast I don't.

chill mike1921 i wasnt talking to you, just everyone in general who was railing on macs. but you said i would be just as well with a pc but i did used to have a pc which was 1200 same price as 13 inch macbook pro and it sucked HARD.

Why does everyone assume that when I make a long post refuting someone's points? and who said I thought you were talking to me and only me? I expect the other guy you quoted to reply Well then the PC you got was shitty, ofcourse shitty PCs exist, they're not all from one company. SEriously, a macbook pro costs almost 2 grand , you could get 4 computers that don't suck with that much money if you use the right store.

dude just stop talking. i said i wasnt talking directly to you becuase you were saying stuff like "i never bragged about how good my pc is" but other people were so please stop being retarded before arguing on the internet

Dude, **** you. You quoted me, talking about my PC, right before you started ranting about people bragging about their PCs, and you didn't make any points in between that. if that wasn't at least partially directed at me you must be a ******* idiot. Besides, no one in this set of responses bragged about their PC any more than I did. Stop your ******* back-peddling. How am I being retarded? You've never refuted anything I said. All you did was tell me to chill, and try to make me quiet. I will not until you prove me wrong to the point I can't defend myself.

I WAS NOT QUOTING YOU, i repeat, I WAS NOT QUOTING YOU. look at cashman88's comment you dumb shit thats who i was yelling at so just shut up please. but then YOU said that im spending to much money on a mac so to defend that, i said that the pc i had owned before my mac was the SAME price as the mac and it SUCKED. do i really need to be helping you understand the argument? thats sad

Wow, you really are an idiot. Because, YOU WERE QUOTING ME. ""hey my 2003 pc can do that." maybe i didnt make it clear enough: I DONT CARE WHAT THE **** YOUR GAY ASS PIECE OF POORLY MANUFACTURED BULLSHIT CAN DO. STOP TRYING TO BRAG ABOUT HOW YOU OWN SUCH A GOOD COMPUTER BECAUSE NO ONE CARES." THAT WAS QUOTING ME! I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO MENTIONED THAT MY PC WAS FROM 2003! Also, I read cashman's post, he wasn't bragging either. NO, I understand that argument. It's just retarded because so many companies make PCs, and you got ripped off. Do you really expect Microsoft to take responsibility for every company that puts together some parts and slaps a price tag and windows on it? All macs are made by apple, but not all PCs are made by microsoft. And, I've already said this. Don't repeat your arguement, respond to mine.

AsianHomie 0

wow your fat as hell if you can snap aluminum in two unless you left it with the screen on

Jacks_Penguin 0

WTH I have a macbook air it isn't $3500. You got your ass ripped off.