By AyDiosMio42 - 08/09/2009 06:31 - United States

Today, I stepped on the MacBook Air I purchased 4 days ago. The screen snapped in two, and I didn't buy insurance because I promised myself I would be "extra careful." $3500 well spent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 70 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How can you step on your macbook if you are "extra carefull"??? Putting it on the floor, or maybe you did dance on the table?, isn't carefull at all!

russianspy1234 11

so spend 900 and get a pc that's better.


blader0314 3

YDI. MacBook Pros are cheaper and way better.

cherrypieguy 0

Insurance doesn't cover that dumbass.

ry345 0

It comes with a 30 day guarantee even without insurance

Agree with all these people here. YDI for buying a MAC. How about spending 1/10th of that money on an HP PC and you can still do everything the Mac Air can do.... PLUS you get a CD drive! HOLY SHIT Mac's are stupidly overpriced for a worse OS. And to all those idiots who are afraid of all those viruses and shit, here's a concept: Stop going onto so many **** sites and clicking on the "zomg you are the 9999999999th customer!" ads and you won't get viruses. Simple as that. You don't even need virus protection software on your computer if you know what to do.

cway93 2

macs are way better than any other computer, if u buy anything other than a mac guess wat ur an idiot. u cant get a ******* pc virus and its the shit!!

Right, 'cause not having to take the time to actually be ******* careful and learn some common sense totally outweighs the lack of ability. Actually, that's not right of me to say, I've never tried Mac. HOWEVER... people always use the virus excuse as a reason to get a Mac, but that's just ******* stupid. Get a computer for the computer, not for what you're too ******* lazy to think about yourself. Had my very lovely PC for years and haven't had a virus truly worrying at me. Any that did were my own fault, not the computer's, but still easily remedied (I still have files from 02). There's a saying that says a piece of technology (computer, calculator, etc) is only as smart as the person who made it. It's also only as smart as the person utilizing it. As for the OP, even the most careful person in the world makes a mistake. You are a human.

There sure is a lot of Mac bashing going on here. I got my Macbook back in June 2006 before starting college. I have never had an issue with it and I am not one of those people who "don't know there way around a computer." I have plenty of friends who bought PC laptops and desktops around the same time and have had major issues with them. They are also people who know what they are doing with a computer so the excuse of "Macs are for people who don't know how to use a computer" isn't a legit excuse. I'm not a "rich douche bag" or "******" as some people have accused Mac owners of being. I took the time, researched what I wanted, and made an investment and have been very pleased with it. My Macbook runs just as well, if not better, than the day that I took it out of the box. I have friends who bought new Windows running computers months ago to replace their old Windows running computers that weren't working well, and they once again are having issues. In my opinion Macs are a good investment, it's all a matter of how well you take care of the product and the quality of that product. With the numerous times that I have seen Windows running computers fail, I have no intention of going back to a PC. I will stick with my Mac until it gets to the point where it is completely outdated and upgrading would be, once again, a good investment.

rihannalover 0

omg, macs arent shit. maybe you dont like them, but why do you think theyre priced so high? they are good, enough with YDI FOR HAVING A MAC because no matter what computer it was, it broke. if it was a pc it woulda broke. not about the brand name, its that the computer was stepped on.

Something being high priced doesn't make something good. IF it's high priced and successful that means people are willing to spend that much money on it, but, people aren't all smart and they aren't all knowledgable about computers. Regardless of the OS you use. If they did it wouldn't be so much cheaper to build a computer yourself instead of buying one , or at the very least people would stop buying computers that cost way too much for the parts in it.

they are expensive because they have the little apple symbol on them. Seriously. You could get a PC with exactly the same specs that works just as well for half the price. Except it might not be as pretty.

TheCashMan88 0

Doesn't matter what kind of computer you have, you still deserved it for leaving the computer on the floor.