By Anonymous - 04/06/2015 12:26 - United States - San Bruno

Today, I told my boyfriend I was horny and was waiting for him at my place. 30 minutes later, he still hadn't arrived, so I called him and asked if he was coming. He replied "Already did, right into a kleenex." and hung up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 544
You deserved it 4 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time he comes on to you, just pull out a box of Kleenex and walk away

lexiieeex3 32

Well that's inconsiderate of him...


His "comeback" was legendary but he's still a dick

Yes, your boyfriend is an ass for the way he handled this. I feel there is way more to it on his side. Anyway, not getting some from your boyfriend is not an FML. The other way around is called a typical day. Lastly, if you were that horny, get off your ass and go to his house. Sometimes men need to be romanced or put in the mood too.

Sex can be like doing the laundry. Sometimes you need to get the machines turned on and in gear to achieve the desired results, and sometimes with a small load, it's easier to do it by hand

You sir, have won my humor.. and a thumbs up.

Sex is like euchre, it only works if you have one of two things: a good hand, or a good partner.

Next time he tells you he's horny, hand him a kleenex.

If it was the first time, he may not want to until marriage:/ I know that's what I plan to do.

He could of put it in a nicer way next time he's in the mood tell him you took care if it yourself sorry lol

Seems he loves his hand more than you!

What an idiot! I'd chose my girlfriend any day over a tissue paper! ..If I had one!

Were you two in an argument or does he generally treat you disrespectfully?