By WhyMe? - 01/03/2011 13:24

Today, I told my boyfriend I was leaving him because he's cheating on me. He then told me he will die without me. When I said that I didn't care, he said 'OK. I'll kill myself!' and then held his breath in attempt to suffocate himself. I can't believe I dated this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 265
You deserved it 15 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my_names_nico 0

Boy, what a idiot. I really don't know how anyone could be that stupid and actually try to pull that off.


At least you're free! It's better to have loved and lost than to live with the psycho the rest of your life! It really sounds like he's trying to have his cake and eat it too by cheating on you and then manipulating you into staying by threatening to hurt himself. That's very controlling. And if he is serious he needs professional help, you can't 'fix' him and it's not your job to try! Good for you for getting out of that situation!

weve all done that as a child. so whats this, 2nd grade love triangle?

tpreston 0

because she dated an idiot and didn't break up with him sooner

haha yep that's lil ol' me. and sexy crack *****...? did not know that was sexy but thank y'all :)

Atishuh 0

...Am I the only one who thinks OP is part Bitch?

154rct 7

u can't die by holding ur breath ydi for buying it and dating such a freak

guriya247 0

Wow what a moron! The world would be a better place... If you did it properly lmao

Hyogoko 0

take a lesson from this experience, do not date anyone remotely like that idiot. :)