By WhyMe? - 01/03/2011 13:24

Today, I told my boyfriend I was leaving him because he's cheating on me. He then told me he will die without me. When I said that I didn't care, he said 'OK. I'll kill myself!' and then held his breath in attempt to suffocate himself. I can't believe I dated this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 265
You deserved it 15 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my_names_nico 0

Boy, what a idiot. I really don't know how anyone could be that stupid and actually try to pull that off.


wow ur so stupid instead of saying kill urself say like ur fault 4 cheating u should know i would find out if u rlly want me then u shouldntve done that...

MehSuperiorStyle 1

wow. how cute but really? what a dumba$$.

you should just kicked the twat in cubes as soon as he held his breath. ******* idiot ..... look forward to moving on

ChelsBearr 0

Bahaha this just made me laugh out loud.(:

if you tied something super tight around your neck you could die, but you can't strangle yourself with your hands, because you start breathing again when you pass out

I can't believe i read this FML and mine weren't published.

Blacknight238 3

wow that's messed up that he cheated on you but also stupid cause he tried to sufficate himself