By WhyMe? - 01/03/2011 13:24

Today, I told my boyfriend I was leaving him because he's cheating on me. He then told me he will die without me. When I said that I didn't care, he said 'OK. I'll kill myself!' and then held his breath in attempt to suffocate himself. I can't believe I dated this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 265
You deserved it 15 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

my_names_nico 0

Boy, what a idiot. I really don't know how anyone could be that stupid and actually try to pull that off.


Hand him laxitives. Say it's sleeping pills. Your boyfriend is crazy, stupid and randy like a Jack Russel.

OP, you're awesome, this site seems to be filled with people who can't see what morons they're hanging onto, and then you come along and renew my faith in intelligence. Pity about the loser you were seeing, glad you can tell you're better off.

Not even a perpetual motion generator could restore my faith in human intelligence.

For reasons unbeknownst to me, women always date idiots of that caliber, and not me, who is not an idiot. I am utterly flabbergasted about your sudden dawn of comprehension, but on the other hand can predict with certainty that you will date an idiot again. For reasons unbeknownst to me.

78- I think the above reply just about sums up the answer to your question.

narutoxhinata109 5

thats sounds like an episode of that 70's show. Jackie and Michael...:/

dumbass much... ur a idiotfor going out with an idiot -.-

alexalways27 0

Well you did. And now you left, so why do you hate your life over your EX boyfriend?