By eejit - 21/02/2009 11:52 - Australia

Today, I told my boyfriend that I think teddy bears are THE most pointless and careless gift. He shyly gave me my birthday present afterwards. It was a carebear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 713
You deserved it 67 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nananna915 0

Wow, he should break up with you, you don't deserve a sweet guy like that

a gift is a gift, asshole. at least he got you something. wow, you're an ungrateful little brat.


nick5507 0

#3 has got it figured out. You should feel guilty i feel bad for your poor boyfriend, YDI

nick5507 0

Today, I decided to get my girlfriend a classic gift, a teddy bear. Turns out she hates teddy bears and thinks that they are the most pointless gifts ever. FML poor guy lol

nick5507 0

oh and #49. You decided who is your husband by what presents they get you? Gollllld diggerrr.

I hope he left you. I hate when all everyone does is complain.

BlooCheese 6

YDI for being a selfish bitch. I would love it if I got a teddy bear. Hell, even if i got a card or a poem. If its from the heart, It could be something they made themselves and Id still love it. I hope he left you for realizing your just another gold digger ;)

hey my name is teddy bear=( i knew i'm pointless

my sister used to have a Care bear. i think it was a really old 80's or early 90s version. i remember as a little kid always teasing her about it. maybe they're not so bad after all? i mean, what's wrong with giving the one you love something that they can always hold onto and think of you when you're not around? it's the sentiment, not the object, that really counts. i mean, it could be a teddybear or it could be a desklamp (light of my life :P) or a watch (always close to you :P) but teddybears are pretty cute to snuggle up in bed with..right? i mean, they don't expect you to service their manhood. I'm talking about stuffed toys in the context of birthday gifts to one's gf ... just to clear things up. which is hard to do..coz i'm tired and...stuff. but yeah, it's from the heart, it's the thought that counts in the end. he could have stayed the night for your birthday and demanded a ****** *******. thankful he's not that kind of jocktard?

StrawberryPiez_ 0

Aww, he must have felt so bad and awkward. I hope you apologized!