By BeforeItWasCool - 30/09/2012 09:30 - United Kingdom

Today, I took a pregnancy test. I was disappointed it was negative, as my fiancé and I have been together for four years and have a strong relationship. He danced with happiness when he discovered the test was negative and tried to high-five me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 500
You deserved it 27 251

BeforeItWasCool tells us more.

BeforeItWasCool 12

Wow this seems to have been misinterpreted! It was unplanned, I was entirely surprised by it. We hadn't planned on kids- if it had been positive it would have been an accident. I was just quite happy to have such a nice surprise even if it did turn out to be negative. I was quite disappointed it was negative, not because I've been secretly trying to get pregnant, but because I was pleasantly surprised. It just seems my fiancé was a little too enthusiastic about the negative result.

Top comments

perdix 29

If he's your fiancé for four years, that means he's still not ready to commit. A baby would probably force him to marry you, something he's been avoiding for years.

cradle6 13

^Nailed it. From the wording of the FML, it seems like OP wants to get pregnant without her fiancee's consent. And if that's true, what the hell is wrong with you OP?! Just because you have a "strong relationship" doesn't mean he wants kids. Furthermore, if he doesn't want kids and you do, do NOT get married to him. Those irreconcilable differences.


You are the one asking for disaster. If he is not ready having a child early will kill a relationship. He will be a great dad when fully baked, and you both agree it is time.

b3llalooove 3

Obviously he doesn't want kids or he's not ready OP... Chill out.

Llamacod 11

nope, reason: because she has NO husband, they are not married

HeckYeah 2

Poke a hole in the condom. It works!

Works at getting you pregnant, sure. Also gets you in the position of a single mother, as no self-respecting man would stay with a woman who is that cruel or manipulative.

BeforeItWasCool 12

I don't want to. I want us to be ready to have kids one day, without any trickery involved.

So...if you took a hpt doesn't that imply you guys were having unprotected sex? YDI, both of you. I hope you're not lying about taking birth control or whatever you use just to get pregnant. You have to talk about kids before you try. And why the rush before marriage? A breakup is easier than a divorce. He could walk away and never come back. Maybe he's waited four years 'cause he's not ready for a wedding and a kid. Never assume your partner is ready for kids without speaking to them first. Four years of a relationship doesn't mean that's a sign you should get pregnant. Don't make assumptions, talk, and wait before you make a life changing decision.

condoms aren't 100% effective at preventing a pregnancy. and neither is birth control.. And also OP commented earlier and said that she wasn't trying to get pregnant.

No matter how strong any relationship is... It doesn't mean that you're ready to have a baby especially when it's unplanned. You can't just pop out children and expect it to be easy raising them.

I reread what OP said. I guess you could have had protected sex while secretly hoping for a mistake. I'm in the same boat with my husband not being ready, though he would be happy whether the test was positive or negative. He's just hoping it stays negative until we stop the safe sex stuff. There are those times even with protection, periods are late and you wonder and hope. I'm respecting his wishes and not doing anything sneaky as I figure we have time. As much as you want a kid now, listen to the logical part of your brain (hard to do when baby crazy). Without him on board, you may find yourself in a bad situation.

kikimonole 13

If he's not ready, then the family isn't ready. Don't force him into something he isn't ready for. If it's an accident, you can't stop that. But if you do it on purpose when you know he is not ready for children then may you burn in hell for eternity.