By tstaeger - 24/07/2010 05:20 - United States

Today, I tried drinking "Smart Water" for the first time. I couldn't figure out how to open the bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 426
You deserved it 37 827

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Water is water is water is water is water. No need buying fancy shit.

FMLephant 2

can you open a roll of Smarties candy or is that also too difficult?


FMLephant 2

can you open a roll of Smarties candy or is that also too difficult?

sourgirl101 28

I love those Smarties candies but prefer Sour Patch Kids, yum!

You gotta be careful when someone offers you Smarties. You could wind up with deliciously waxy chocolate guilty pleasures, or those nasty chalky things— in other words, Tums without the benefits.

I think op should try dum dum pops, yea, they're perfect for him

ChildsPlay_fml 0

11 & 5 win. op go back to the first grade, youes need a recap of basic knowledge

Smart water is distilled water. Meaning it's purified by steaming and then condensed again making it the purest form of water. They add electrolytes. It's basically Gatorade without the sugar. It's not really that much more expensive than buying any other bottled water.

Actually it's cheaper, compared to Dasani and Aquafina. I got a big ass bottle for one buck and the other two were around a quarter or more expensive.

this is the most fake, made up FML. who cannot open a gd bottle of water?!!! wow. what an idiot!!! u should be put in special Ed.

YDI for expanding your horizons by trying something new.

Hahaha #22 u need a RECAP am I the only one who caught that oh well guess I don't need smart water after all jk I know smart water dosent make u smarter.:):>

perdix 29

You REALLY need that product! Get a non-retard to help you open your first few hundred bottles and maybe you can start to open them yourself. Keep consuming Smart Water until you obtain fair-to-middling intelligence. (I need to buy stock in that company before this idiot undergoes this treatment :) )