By blahpizzablah - 22/06/2009 00:37 - United States

Today, I was delivering pizzas for my summer job. I got a big order to deliver for a fellow graduate's party. While I was being paid for the order my friend shows up and says "Don't pay him, his parents are rich, he can handle it." Then they shut the door and took off. The bill was $75. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 612
You deserved it 3 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is where you say, "My parents are rich because they're hookers, and your momma is their best customer. Pay up."

thats when you go in there and take back the pizza


This sort of stuff happens when delivering pizzas so you need to make sure they give you the money before you hand over the pizzas. You should have contacted your employer to deal with this.

It sounded like you had an address right? And you did know the personal details on your friend as well? You can get him back by farting on his salami and shoving cheese up your nose before putting it on the pizza. Just don't be dumb enough to post these antics on youtube.

What's crazy about your legal right to defend yourself? It's very easy to simply judge someone who had to use deadly force to protect themselves without having been in their shoes. In a situation like that, you have no idea what the assailants did or didn't have, what they were or weren't saying, what area of town the victim may have been in, etc. In a world where a good police response time is five minutes, you have to know how to defend yourself in the meantime if you're under attack.

ozymandias_fml 0

So? Tell your manager and let him call the cops. It is a standard operating procedure. Why would we care?

You should have you rich parents hire some mobsters to beat the crap out of him. It's only fair of you to use those riches.

fxdxhk90 0

Why are you bitching on the internet instead of calling the cops?

Kick your friend in the balls, if he's a guy. Bitch slap your friend, if she's a girl. They deserve it.

Bullshet 0

Some friend you've got there. I hope you're not friends with them anymore. Oh, and I hope you called your manager about them not paying. That's theft. Then the police could come and crash their graduation party. Ahh karma.

You call the cops. I'm glad my friends are true, and not dirt bags like that. This FML slightly pissed me off.