By EpicUsername - 11/03/2010 01:14 - United States

Today, I was eating a hotdog. My huge Siberian Husky, upon becoming aware of this, jumped up on me. He forced his tongue into my mouth and ate the food I was in the middle of eating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 612
You deserved it 7 655

EpicUsername tells us more.

EpicUsername 0

I probably should have stated in the OP that I've only had my dog for 2 months, and upon receiving him, he was immediately signed up for obedience training. In fact, he graduated last Monday.

Top comments

YDI for eating that hot dog so seductively.

Never buy flavored xondomns and go near that dog


neonblue120 6

either this is fake or your disgusting because you could close your mouth and push him away eeeewwwww

EpicUsername 0

It all took place in about a second, which didn't leave me much reaction time. I also happen to be 4'10" and weigh 80 lbs, so pushing him off isn't as easy as it sounds.

bisley 0

*********** ftw. That dog made you his bitch. I bet that's a rather common occurance if it sticks its tongue into your mouth to steal food.

rock3ralex 0

YDI for having a dog that is as big as you are small

EpicUsername 0

I didn't choose him, my dad did. :)

brightred919 0

jesus christ, get a different dog; that's awful

EpicUsername 0

Why would I get a different dog? It was only one incident. Other than that, he's great!

simpledrunkdude 4

Hm how can he force his tounge in your mouth

Maybe the dog is old, remember the old saying 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks'? Also, dogs aren't that easy to train, It takes a very long time, I should know