By fuck you, Odin, FUCK YOU - 03/03/2014 22:35 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was finally all set to lose my virginity. My girlfriend pushed me onto the bed and pulled off my underwear. She then made a face as if she'd just sucked on a lemon, and got up and left without a word. I haven't heard from her since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 339
You deserved it 9 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dodged a bullet there, you'll find someone who cares only for who you are.


Well, that image is now permanently burned into my memory..

rawlings123 17

Shave your pubes and wash your dick

I'm surprised by the number of people who feel that circumcision is a necessity. And women complain about shaving their legs...

Well, at least those who have been circumcised don't remember it. You have to shave almost every day! And in my opinion, if you're uncircumcised it seems like a good way to weed out the superficial bitches.

Coeliacchic93 21

some do remember it depending on when it was done

did you forget to shave? or shower that day? sex involves two people and you gotta think about the other person too. so maybe YDI unless u had a small package and she left then FYL and feel better

You may want to get yourself checked out.

Ah, OP... that's harsh. I know this is what everyone's telling you but just to reiterate: First, wash thoroughly. Then shave or at least trim up. Lastly, get dat bitch on the line and ask her what the heck is up. If her reaction was based on size or circumcision though, trust me, you're better off without her. That's just cruel.

Personally she's a btch for leaving and for the foreskin shit that people keep sayin what difference does it make? It's still a dick? Just because it has or doesn't have doesn't change the fact that it's the same thing just minus extra skin as far as I'm concerned idfc lol hope you find a better lady good luck bro :)

Guess you weren't working with much in that department. haha. FYL I guess.

Well a number of things could of occurred either shit stains in your drawers, uncircumcised penis,our you need to bathe better... follow up definitely needed