By fuck you, Odin, FUCK YOU - 03/03/2014 22:35 - United States - Los Angeles
By fuck you, Odin, FUCK YOU - 03/03/2014 22:35 - United States - Los Angeles
By :(( - 28/09/2013 21:24 - Australia - Brisbane
By Anonymous - 02/05/2015 02:22 - United States - San Francisco
By Perdito_Coño - 05/09/2014 20:55 - Australia - Quakers Hill
By flopsy - 03/12/2010 16:19 - Australia
By Scorned - 16/09/2018 06:00
By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham
By EliseV - 03/11/2014 18:56 - United States - Chino Hills
By checkup - 15/07/2012 00:50 - United Kingdom - Redditch
By Lady Vulva - 19/09/2015 02:56
By ohai ur hawt, wanna fuzzzZzZZzzZzz - 04/04/2014 23:20 - Mexico - Mexico
I'll just wait for her FML to see why she dipped.
That has to be rough on the olde confidence.
You're better off. Some women are bitches.
I knew a guy once that stank like urine ... Very well endowed but his odor made me puke . Wash yourself if you even think you might get lucky . Size doesn't matter as much as smell .
you probably tasted bad. i'd shower beforehand. just hope for a next time.
Maybe it was the shit stains on your underwear
Would love to see an OP post
Time to get it clean, huh?...
Yeah...FYL brother
You dodged a bullet there, you'll find someone who cares only for who you are.