By fuck you, Odin, FUCK YOU - 03/03/2014 22:35 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was finally all set to lose my virginity. My girlfriend pushed me onto the bed and pulled off my underwear. She then made a face as if she'd just sucked on a lemon, and got up and left without a word. I haven't heard from her since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 339
You deserved it 9 623

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dodged a bullet there, you'll find someone who cares only for who you are.


Randirae01 2

Maybe u should have washed your junk beforehand? No one wants to put a smelly wang in their mouth.

first time I read through it I saw she took off your underwear and sucked on a lemon.. well sorry anyway OP. perhaps, scrub hard, chug pineapple juice, and trim. oh and probably take a rest on the junk food. ask any girl, I'm not wrong

I assume it's not his size that's the problem. Partners typically do other things before sex...

Ladies, you need to get over the fact that there are indeed men who aren't circumcised...and just because they aren't circumcised that doesn't make them "gross" it's not like they had a choice at birth. Be nice to penises, you wouldn't like it if men were hating on your vaginas!

kittcatt 8

First off men can get circumcised as adults or teens it is a lot more uncomfortable but it happens. I actually spent a good couple of weeks providing moral support to a guy who was getting circumcised because the foreskin was too tight and was causing him medical issues. Secondly there are multiple reasons for circumcision, it is easier to clean, can solve some medial problems or it may be the preference of the parents whether their choice is based off of aesthetics, religion or simply wanting the son to match the father. Third, men do rag on vaginal appearance making fun of or commenting color, scent, taste, or even the prominence of the labia and/or ********.

Circumcising Children should be illegal. Its child abuse.

#126 it is actually a requirement of some religions such as judaism for all the boys and men to be circumcised so making it illegal would go against peoples rights to practice freedom of religion and it isnt abuse its not like there molesting the baby there simple removing the foreskin (think of it as taking a little off the top except this haircut is permenant) plus circumcision is said to be more comfortable and create less medical issues for guys

not much of a girlfriend, is she?

Forgot to wash up down there that sweat stank. Gotta stay clean

PiQo 6

Maybe you need to wash your shit better...nobody likes going down on some funk!

NineeCat 32

Hopefully this isn't a "needle in the haystack", type of situation.

tuffykat 8